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financial markets regulation

Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark says buy now, pay later networks could be regulated in push to reduce costs for merchants and consumers
25th Sep 21, 9:41am
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark says buy now, pay later networks could be regulated in push to reduce costs for merchants and consumers
Gareth Vaughan hopes the Financial Markets Authority under its incoming CEO will stand up for the little guys, the ma and pa retail investors, and not be too tied up with the big end of town
15th Sep 21, 3:00pm
Gareth Vaughan hopes the Financial Markets Authority under its incoming CEO will stand up for the little guys, the ma and pa retail investors, and not be too tied up with the big end of town
Samantha Barrass, who has financial markets regulation experience in Gibraltar and Britain, named new Financial Markets Authority CEO. FMA confident Gibraltar employment matter raises no issues of concern
13th Sep 21, 12:30pm
Samantha Barrass, who has financial markets regulation experience in Gibraltar and Britain, named new Financial Markets Authority CEO. FMA confident Gibraltar employment matter raises no issues of concern
John Kavanagh of Australia's Banking Day argues it's time to regulate the buy now, pay later sector
7th Sep 21, 8:12am
by Guest
John Kavanagh of Australia's Banking Day argues it's time to regulate the buy now, pay later sector
The case against ANZ by investors in Ross Asset Management, who were claiming in excess of $50 million against the bank has ended in a confidential 'agreed settlement'
23rd Aug 21, 1:57pm
The case against ANZ by investors in Ross Asset Management, who were claiming in excess of $50 million against the bank has ended in a confidential 'agreed settlement'
Financial Markets Authority accuses CEO of NZX-listed New Talisman Gold Mines, Matthew Hill, of market manipulation for anonymous posts on online investor forum
12th Aug 21, 10:24am
Financial Markets Authority accuses CEO of NZX-listed New Talisman Gold Mines, Matthew Hill, of market manipulation for anonymous posts on online investor forum
Financial Markets Authority warns material published by New Zealand company Vivier and Company Ltd has the potential to mislead investors
11th Aug 21, 2:40pm
Financial Markets Authority warns material published by New Zealand company Vivier and Company Ltd has the potential to mislead investors
Westpac NZ set to launch regulation ready BNPL 'anywhere' service Bundll with Humm, and potentially buy up to 49% of the business
15th Jul 21, 10:04am
Westpac NZ set to launch regulation ready BNPL 'anywhere' service Bundll with Humm, and potentially buy up to 49% of the business
FMA says no evidence to support regulatory action after inquiries into Fonterra’s 2019 financial statements and complaints about Beingmate & China Farms valuations
9th Jul 21, 9:25am
by admin
FMA says no evidence to support regulatory action after inquiries into Fonterra’s 2019 financial statements and complaints about Beingmate & China Farms valuations
The number of people holding shares rises and the number of people with term deposits drops as FMA commissioned survey shows increase in investor confidence
7th Jul 21, 1:57pm
The number of people holding shares rises and the number of people with term deposits drops as FMA commissioned survey shows increase in investor confidence
A lack of cyber security regulation, loan provision releases racking up, COVID-19 challenges forward looking loss provisioning models, climate-related accounting standards & more
23rd Jun 21, 10:35am
A lack of cyber security regulation, loan provision releases racking up, COVID-19 challenges forward looking loss provisioning models, climate-related accounting standards & more
Juniper Research predicts huge growth in consumer spending via buy now, pay later services over the next five years despite the expected introduction of regulation
15th Jun 21, 9:50am
Juniper Research predicts huge growth in consumer spending via buy now, pay later services over the next five years despite the expected introduction of regulation
Concerned about any consumer harm from buy now, pay later services, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark says government to consult on possible regulation
9th Jun 21, 9:15am
Concerned about any consumer harm from buy now, pay later services, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark says government to consult on possible regulation
The nuts and bolts of how central bank digital currencies might operate and what they might mean
27th May 21, 6:27am
The nuts and bolts of how central bank digital currencies might operate and what they might mean
The Reserve Bank says it will address recommendations from the Financial Action Task Force 'to the extent feasible' within the scope of its government funding agreement
5th May 21, 8:03am
The Reserve Bank says it will address recommendations from the Financial Action Task Force 'to the extent feasible' within the scope of its government funding agreement
David Hargreaves doesn't see anything to be too fearful of in the moves by Finance Minister Grant Robertson to get more hands-on with the Reserve Bank's lending restrictions
29th Apr 21, 8:08am
David Hargreaves doesn't see anything to be too fearful of in the moves by Finance Minister Grant Robertson to get more hands-on with the Reserve Bank's lending restrictions
BNZ economists describe Govt plans to influence bank lending as a "surprise" but say judgement will have to wait until further details are revealed
27th Apr 21, 2:55pm
BNZ economists describe Govt plans to influence bank lending as a "surprise" but say judgement will have to wait until further details are revealed
Gareth Vaughan delves into the detail of sweeping new powers proposed for the Reserve Bank, and explains why the Government wants to move regulation of deposit takers in this direction
27th Apr 21, 5:00am
Gareth Vaughan delves into the detail of sweeping new powers proposed for the Reserve Bank, and explains why the Government wants to move regulation of deposit takers in this direction
Finance Minister Grant Robertson unveils a a new process for setting lending restrictions, which introduces what appears to be a more active role for the Minister of Finance
22nd Apr 21, 12:37pm
Finance Minister Grant Robertson unveils a a new process for setting lending restrictions, which introduces what appears to be a more active role for the Minister of Finance
RBNZ unveils a new enforcement department and says it wants to 'transform into a flexible and proactive regulator'
14th Apr 21, 9:47am
RBNZ unveils a new enforcement department and says it wants to 'transform into a flexible and proactive regulator'
Commerce & Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark happy to leave serious allegations about NZ company Vivier, stretching over years, to MBIE's complaints process
12th Apr 21, 2:27pm
Commerce & Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark happy to leave serious allegations about NZ company Vivier, stretching over years, to MBIE's complaints process
Bank for International Settlements paper argues an approach combining financial regulation, competition policy and data privacy is required for regulating big tech's push into financial services
18th Mar 21, 10:08am
Bank for International Settlements paper argues an approach combining financial regulation, competition policy and data privacy is required for regulating big tech's push into financial services
Financial Markets Authority CEO Rob Everett to depart in September, executive recruitment company hired to help find successor
16th Mar 21, 10:19am
Financial Markets Authority CEO Rob Everett to depart in September, executive recruitment company hired to help find successor
Pegasus Markets director Michael Reps sentenced to community detention and community work in FMA prosecution, and can't serve as the director of a NZ financial services provider for five years
3rd Mar 21, 4:46pm
Pegasus Markets director Michael Reps sentenced to community detention and community work in FMA prosecution, and can't serve as the director of a NZ financial services provider for five years
The FMA says ANZ had admitted making misleading representations in providing credit card repayment insurance to some customers
12th Feb 21, 12:47pm
The FMA says ANZ had admitted making misleading representations in providing credit card repayment insurance to some customers