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History teaches us that it’s the waning superpowers, edged-off the geopolitical stage by more dynamic rivals, that the world’s small and vulnerable states have most reason to fear, writes Chris Trotter
30th May 22, 8:14am
History teaches us that it’s the waning superpowers, edged-off the geopolitical stage by more dynamic rivals, that the world’s small and vulnerable states have most reason to fear, writes Chris Trotter
The key log markets have turned very uncertain. China's pandemic response is reducing construction demand. India is prioritising other cargoes. High freight costs are driving down at-wharf-gate prices locally
13th May 22, 12:07pm
The key log markets have turned very uncertain. China's pandemic response is reducing construction demand. India is prioritising other cargoes. High freight costs are driving down at-wharf-gate prices locally
The log market is turning in sellers favour as supply into China and India reduces, but questions remain about the medium term health of the Chinese construction market
4th Apr 22, 11:29am
The log market is turning in sellers favour as supply into China and India reduces, but questions remain about the medium term health of the Chinese construction market
A virtuous combination of higher sale prices in China, an easing of shipping costs and a weakening of the NZD have raised wharf prices for export logs. But it may not last
26th Feb 22, 11:26am
A virtuous combination of higher sale prices in China, an easing of shipping costs and a weakening of the NZD have raised wharf prices for export logs. But it may not last
Domestic demand for logs remains strong, but export markets are uncertain. China will probably rise in 2022 as normal but there are questions. India may get even more difficult
28th Dec 21, 12:39pm
Domestic demand for logs remains strong, but export markets are uncertain. China will probably rise in 2022 as normal but there are questions. India may get even more difficult
Recent falls in export log prices offset by fast-retreating shipping costs, and face a better future as Chinese demand should rise in January. But India is oversupplied
25th Nov 21, 12:19pm
Recent falls in export log prices offset by fast-retreating shipping costs, and face a better future as Chinese demand should rise in January. But India is oversupplied
Log prices reduced in October as shipping costs take a bigger share of returns even though Chinese demand is good, and European sawn timber markets are strong. Domestic markets are somewhat oversupplied
29th Oct 21, 11:30am
Log prices reduced in October as shipping costs take a bigger share of returns even though Chinese demand is good, and European sawn timber markets are strong. Domestic markets are somewhat oversupplied
Log prices flat as shipping congestion charges ease slightly, and domestic lockdown demand softens sharply, allowing harvesting and sawn timber processing to catch up
20th Sep 21, 9:44am
Log prices flat as shipping congestion charges ease slightly, and domestic lockdown demand softens sharply, allowing harvesting and sawn timber processing to catch up
Although prices in China are rising with demand, log sellers effectively pay the shipping costs which have jumped, and this has sharply reduced local at-wharf prices
2nd Sep 21, 12:07pm
Although prices in China are rising with demand, log sellers effectively pay the shipping costs which have jumped, and this has sharply reduced local at-wharf prices
July export log prices slipped as China's seasonal demand falloff took an added hit. But domestic demand stayed strong, and Indian demand is picking up
23rd Jul 21, 9:15am
July export log prices slipped as China's seasonal demand falloff took an added hit. But domestic demand stayed strong, and Indian demand is picking up
The global shortage of logs and sawn timber have pushed prices to a record high. Regulatory limits are encouraging the surge when there is a worldwide shortage of wood products
16th Jun 21, 11:36am
The global shortage of logs and sawn timber have pushed prices to a record high. Regulatory limits are encouraging the surge when there is a worldwide shortage of wood products
Kevin Rudd calls on the rest of the world to do more to help India and its neighbours fight a new wave of COVID-19
22nd May 21, 10:20am
Kevin Rudd calls on the rest of the world to do more to help India and its neighbours fight a new wave of COVID-19
Log prices jump on strong domestic demand, and rising demand from China which now takes 88% of our log exports. Rivals for this China trade fall away as US demand rises. NZ prices at new record high
19th May 21, 9:46am
Log prices jump on strong domestic demand, and rising demand from China which now takes 88% of our log exports. Rivals for this China trade fall away as US demand rises. NZ prices at new record high
An increase in domestic and export saw log prices has lifted prices above their five year averages. Domestic demand is strong. Sawn timber prices in China have continued to increase faster than log prices
1st May 21, 8:58am
An increase in domestic and export saw log prices has lifted prices above their five year averages. Domestic demand is strong. Sawn timber prices in China have continued to increase faster than log prices
NZ citizens and residents in India barred from travelling to NZ between April 11 and 28, as COVID-19 cases in MIQ jump and a hotel security guard tests positive
8th Apr 21, 1:36pm
NZ citizens and residents in India barred from travelling to NZ between April 11 and 28, as COVID-19 cases in MIQ jump and a hotel security guard tests positive
Log and sawn timer prices remain high with good demand locally and from China, and with India improving. Freight is boosting the price customers need to pay
27th Mar 21, 11:23am
Log and sawn timer prices remain high with good demand locally and from China, and with India improving. Freight is boosting the price customers need to pay
Foresters are getting higher prices for logs from both local processors and from export sales to China, but they can't compete with distressed Aussie sales into India
2nd Mar 21, 4:36pm
Foresters are getting higher prices for logs from both local processors and from export sales to China, but they can't compete with distressed Aussie sales into India
High harvest supply sees domestic prices stable on strong demand. But China prices rise after their ban on Aussie logs, although India under pressure as they become the destination for diverted supply
18th Dec 20, 9:46am
High harvest supply sees domestic prices stable on strong demand. But China prices rise after their ban on Aussie logs, although India under pressure as they become the destination for diverted supply
Demand for New Zealand logs in China are very good with solid demand, reducing inventory levels, and reduced supply from other countries. But log stocks building in a quiet India with diverted log supply
30th Nov 20, 8:44am
Demand for New Zealand logs in China are very good with solid demand, reducing inventory levels, and reduced supply from other countries. But log stocks building in a quiet India with diverted log supply
Local demand for logs remains strong as does Chinese demand; not so for India. However, export demand for China's furniture is weak even though fibreboard production capacity is rising very fast
21st Oct 20, 10:38am
Local demand for logs remains strong as does Chinese demand; not so for India. However, export demand for China's furniture is weak even though fibreboard production capacity is rising very fast
Strong domestic demand and rising China demand for both logs and sawn timber has both sawmillers and log exporters optimistic. Indian demand still weak as pandemic limits capacity
12th Sep 20, 9:46am
Strong domestic demand and rising China demand for both logs and sawn timber has both sawmillers and log exporters optimistic. Indian demand still weak as pandemic limits capacity
Increases in China log prices cancelled out by higher shipping costs. Export demand for sawn timber remains firm. Domestic demand good but expected to slow
20th Aug 20, 10:08am
Increases in China log prices cancelled out by higher shipping costs. Export demand for sawn timber remains firm. Domestic demand good but expected to slow
While domestic log demand remains steady, export demand is weakening as global supply rises while China's demand is little-changed despite the widespread flooding in the south
18th Jul 20, 9:56am
While domestic log demand remains steady, export demand is weakening as global supply rises while China's demand is little-changed despite the widespread flooding in the south
Devesh Kapur thinks China's recent aggression will force Narendra Modi's Indian government to launch long-overdue reforms
7th Jul 20, 10:19am
by Guest
Devesh Kapur thinks China's recent aggression will force Narendra Modi's Indian government to launch long-overdue reforms
Global log supply rising faster than demand. Sawn timber exports tough except for clear wood grades. Domestic market orders rising ahead of a large decline expected in Q4-2020
1st Jul 20, 9:56am
Global log supply rising faster than demand. Sawn timber exports tough except for clear wood grades. Domestic market orders rising ahead of a large decline expected in Q4-2020