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Local government

Simpson Grierson's Bill Loutit outlines when you should seek a resource consent and what's involved in getting it
11th Nov 16, 11:06am
by Guest
Simpson Grierson's Bill Loutit outlines when you should seek a resource consent and what's involved in getting it
Simpson Grierson's Bill Loutit explains the ins and outs of a District Plan review and why it is advisable to become involved in the process to protect your property rights
9th Nov 16, 10:42am
by Guest
Simpson Grierson's Bill Loutit explains the ins and outs of a District Plan review and why it is advisable to become involved in the process to protect your property rights
If politicians in Auckland and Wellington are so confident about light rail, they should put their own money where their mouths are, argues NZ Initiative’s Jason Krupp
7th Nov 16, 9:55am
If politicians in Auckland and Wellington are so confident about light rail, they should put their own money where their mouths are, argues NZ Initiative’s Jason Krupp
Finance Minister Bill English launches Government’s 10-year Capital Intentions Plan with $100.9b pipeline of infrastructure projects
21st Oct 16, 9:31am
Finance Minister Bill English launches Government’s 10-year Capital Intentions Plan with $100.9b pipeline of infrastructure projects
Selena Eaqub on the responsibility of Nimbys, our bigger houses, Brexit pain, the need for fiscal stimulus, child poverty, local election apathy and more
14th Oct 16, 10:01am
by Guest
Selena Eaqub on the responsibility of Nimbys, our bigger houses, Brexit pain, the need for fiscal stimulus, child poverty, local election apathy and more
Jason Krupp argues a back-to-basics approach is more important than fads when it comes to regional economic development
26th Sep 16, 5:01am
Jason Krupp argues a back-to-basics approach is more important than fads when it comes to regional economic development
Central government’s bid to corporatise council assets raises more questions than it answers, writes NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp
12th Sep 16, 10:00am
Central government’s bid to corporatise council assets raises more questions than it answers, writes NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp
Benje Patterson plunges into the world of local politics: Taxing Auckland's vacant houses, bringing kiwi birds back to Wellington, the allure of small towns, more satire needed, but careful on that, Dilbert & more
15th Jul 16, 10:02am
Benje Patterson plunges into the world of local politics: Taxing Auckland's vacant houses, bringing kiwi birds back to Wellington, the allure of small towns, more satire needed, but careful on that, Dilbert & more
The NZ Initiative’s Jason Krupp examines the most vital principles of urban economics
7th Mar 16, 9:45am
The NZ Initiative’s Jason Krupp examines the most vital principles of urban economics
Productivity Commission seeks feedback on its 'plan-of-action' to investigate the best way to allocate land use in NZ
9th Dec 15, 5:02am
Productivity Commission seeks feedback on its 'plan-of-action' to investigate the best way to allocate land use in NZ
The NZ Initiative’s Jason Krupp believes local authorities need incentives to be more open to economic growth while central government needs to be more responsive to local needs
7th Dec 15, 8:50am
The NZ Initiative’s Jason Krupp believes local authorities need incentives to be more open to economic growth while central government needs to be more responsive to local needs
Bernard Hickey argues Infratil and the Wellington Council should take the risk of investing NZ$300 mln to extend the Wellington Airport, not the region's ratepayers and the nation's taxpayers in general
29th Nov 15, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey argues Infratil and the Wellington Council should take the risk of investing NZ$300 mln to extend the Wellington Airport, not the region's ratepayers and the nation's taxpayers in general
As a city Auckland will have to embrace philosophical and structural change if it is to overcome its current growing pains
26th Nov 15, 10:41am
As a city Auckland will have to embrace philosophical and structural change if it is to overcome its current growing pains
Bernard Hickey asks why the talkback lines aren't running hot over the NZ$11,700 subsidy paid each year to every one of the Remuera Golf Club's members (including John Key) by Auckland Council ratepayers
22nd Nov 15, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey asks why the talkback lines aren't running hot over the NZ$11,700 subsidy paid each year to every one of the Remuera Golf Club's members (including John Key) by Auckland Council ratepayers
EY says Auckland Council could boost revenue through offering a smorgasbord of asset naming rights & corporate sponsorship deals
17th Nov 15, 10:59am
EY says Auckland Council could boost revenue through offering a smorgasbord of asset naming rights & corporate sponsorship deals
Auckland public 'unaware of significance of golf course subsidies' Auckland Council commissioned report says, noting potential use for housing
14th Nov 15, 8:54am
Auckland public 'unaware of significance of golf course subsidies' Auckland Council commissioned report says, noting potential use for housing
English launches 'blue skies' Productivity Commission review into Resource Management, Local Government and Land Transport Management Acts to transform urban planning and tackle housing affordability
2nd Nov 15, 3:51pm
English launches 'blue skies' Productivity Commission review into Resource Management, Local Government and Land Transport Management Acts to transform urban planning and tackle housing affordability
The NZ Initiative's Khyaati Acharya says there is a strong case for applying the trial-and-error approach of the science lab to policy change
2nd Nov 15, 10:28am
The NZ Initiative's Khyaati Acharya says there is a strong case for applying the trial-and-error approach of the science lab to policy change
Bernard Hickey argues the Reserve Bank should have given the unemployed and exporters the benefit of the doubt on inflation by cutting for a fourth time on October 29
1st Nov 15, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey argues the Reserve Bank should have given the unemployed and exporters the benefit of the doubt on inflation by cutting for a fourth time on October 29
Bernard Hickey challenges ministers and councillors to adopt the Productivity Commission's recipe for closing the credibility gap between Auckland's future land supply for housing and demand for housing
25th Oct 15, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey challenges ministers and councillors to adopt the Productivity Commission's recipe for closing the credibility gap between Auckland's future land supply for housing and demand for housing
The New Zealand Initiative’s Jason Krupp argues that councils should be debating TPPA
19th Oct 15, 8:52am
The New Zealand Initiative’s Jason Krupp argues that councils should be debating TPPA
Govt taskforce calls for 'loopy rules' to be reined in, cleaning up property regulation & streamlining the consenting process
22nd Sep 15, 2:54pm
Govt taskforce calls for 'loopy rules' to be reined in, cleaning up property regulation & streamlining the consenting process
Finance Minister Bill English says 30yr infrastructure plan will include national data standards for roads, water & buildings; Sees more use of tolls
20th Aug 15, 10:20am
Finance Minister Bill English says 30yr infrastructure plan will include national data standards for roads, water & buildings; Sees more use of tolls
Bernard Hickey explains how Councils could ease RMA and other restrictions to kick-start economic growth, and in exchange get a cut from Government of the fruits of that growth
26th Jul 15, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey explains how Councils could ease RMA and other restrictions to kick-start economic growth, and in exchange get a cut from Government of the fruits of that growth
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp likes much of what he sees in Local Government NZ's funding reform pitch but wants spending restraints on the table too
22nd Jul 15, 8:32am
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp likes much of what he sees in Local Government NZ's funding reform pitch but wants spending restraints on the table too