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Labour Party

The NZ Initiative's Khyaati Acharya says while there are wider social benefits from a more educated population, many of the benefits of tertiary education accrue to the individual who undertook that study
15th Feb 16, 9:11am
The NZ Initiative's Khyaati Acharya says while there are wider social benefits from a more educated population, many of the benefits of tertiary education accrue to the individual who undertook that study
Oliver Hartwich argues free university education is the reverse of income redistribution and a regressive policy
8th Feb 16, 5:01am
Oliver Hartwich argues free university education is the reverse of income redistribution and a regressive policy
Dave Grimmond says the proposal is overly generous, but does have merit - though possibly for different reasons to those thought of by Labour
4th Feb 16, 10:43am
Dave Grimmond says the proposal is overly generous, but does have merit - though possibly for different reasons to those thought of by Labour
Fonterra concedes that a reduction in the forecast milk price payout this year will be 'very tough' on its farmers
28th Jan 16, 9:04am
Fonterra concedes that a reduction in the forecast milk price payout this year will be 'very tough' on its farmers
Phil Goff on addressing Auckland's housing shortage without upsetting the NIMBYs; getting cosy with the Government; giving Auckland Council more decision-making powers & implementing road tolls
12th Dec 15, 5:02am
Phil Goff on addressing Auckland's housing shortage without upsetting the NIMBYs; getting cosy with the Government; giving Auckland Council more decision-making powers & implementing road tolls
Grant Robertson accuses Govt of pressuring EQC to lower its price tag on remaining quake claims to help reach Budget surplus; Bill English and EQC deny cooking the books
3rd Dec 15, 2:44pm
Grant Robertson accuses Govt of pressuring EQC to lower its price tag on remaining quake claims to help reach Budget surplus; Bill English and EQC deny cooking the books
The New Zealand Initiative’s Jason Krupp argues that Nick Smith should visit Montreal to see how shifting infrastructure costs can improve housing affordability
23rd Nov 15, 10:24am
The New Zealand Initiative’s Jason Krupp argues that Nick Smith should visit Montreal to see how shifting infrastructure costs can improve housing affordability
Labour announces new policy to tackle housing affordability, wants infrastructure bonds, more 'medium density' and relaxed height limits
7th Nov 15, 5:45pm
Labour announces new policy to tackle housing affordability, wants infrastructure bonds, more 'medium density' and relaxed height limits
EY tax partner warns that foreigners keen to do business here are paying for new property rules requiring you to open a NZ bank account to get an IRD number
4th Nov 15, 1:21pm
EY tax partner warns that foreigners keen to do business here are paying for new property rules requiring you to open a NZ bank account to get an IRD number
BNZ chief economist says continued strong house price rises in Auckland would likely see introduction of rules limiting mortgage sizes relative to earnings
29th Oct 15, 4:27pm
BNZ chief economist says continued strong house price rises in Auckland would likely see introduction of rules limiting mortgage sizes relative to earnings
Labour's Grant Robertson calls for employment to be a core objective of monetary policy
28th Oct 15, 12:36pm
Labour's Grant Robertson calls for employment to be a core objective of monetary policy
Bernard Hickey calls for a Productivity Commission Inquiry into whether record high migration actually improves per-capita GDP in the long run. The latest data suggests it's not working for the economy or the Government
27th Sep 15, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey calls for a Productivity Commission Inquiry into whether record high migration actually improves per-capita GDP in the long run. The latest data suggests it's not working for the economy or the Government
Labour & the Greens back banks' balking on government push to make offshore property buyers have a NZ bank account
26th Aug 15, 1:49pm
Labour & the Greens back banks' balking on government push to make offshore property buyers have a NZ bank account
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp says the Huntly power station decision endorses the current market-based electricity structure by showing that prices are the best means to determine the allocation of resources
24th Aug 15, 9:04am
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp says the Huntly power station decision endorses the current market-based electricity structure by showing that prices are the best means to determine the allocation of resources
Kiwis appear stuck with high credit card interest rates despite Aussie crack-down, with the Commerce Commission leaving them to market forces
20th Aug 15, 3:30pm
Kiwis appear stuck with high credit card interest rates despite Aussie crack-down, with the Commerce Commission leaving them to market forces
Labour wants Overseas Investment Office strengthened, so it can regulate foreign investors more thoroughly and transparently
19th Aug 15, 5:05am
Labour wants Overseas Investment Office strengthened, so it can regulate foreign investors more thoroughly and transparently
Bernard Hickey says rather than just debating foreign buying of houses we should be having a tougher debate about migration
2nd Aug 15, 5:01am
Bernard Hickey says rather than just debating foreign buying of houses we should be having a tougher debate about migration
The NZ Initiative's Khyaati Acharya says Labour's 'circus act' will only add unsubstantiated fuel to the fire of those vehemently opposed towards all and any foreign ownership
27th Jul 15, 8:50am
by Guest
The NZ Initiative's Khyaati Acharya says Labour's 'circus act' will only add unsubstantiated fuel to the fire of those vehemently opposed towards all and any foreign ownership
Bernard Hickey argues a 15% stamp duty on non-resident buyers and/or a 1% Auckland Investor Levy would be sensible policy options, if New Zealand could only debate the issue sensibly
19th Jul 15, 5:01am
Bernard Hickey argues a 15% stamp duty on non-resident buyers and/or a 1% Auckland Investor Levy would be sensible policy options, if New Zealand could only debate the issue sensibly
Latest Roy Morgan poll sees National suffer a sharp fall with their main rivals benefiting. First time since election National has trailed
17th Jul 15, 4:51pm
Latest Roy Morgan poll sees National suffer a sharp fall with their main rivals benefiting. First time since election National has trailed
Geoff Simmons says Labour's solution to the 'crisis' they have identified is based on incorrect analysis with solutions that are unlikely to work
16th Jul 15, 11:07am
Geoff Simmons says Labour's solution to the 'crisis' they have identified is based on incorrect analysis with solutions that are unlikely to work
Leading Auckland real estate company has dismissed staff member who revealed detailed sales information
15th Jul 15, 5:03pm
Leading Auckland real estate company has dismissed staff member who revealed detailed sales information
Rob Salmond did the quantitative analysis for Phil Twyford and Labour on the ethnicity of Auckland house buyers, and thinks critics are operating under misconceptions
11th Jul 15, 2:57pm
by Guest
Rob Salmond did the quantitative analysis for Phil Twyford and Labour on the ethnicity of Auckland house buyers, and thinks critics are operating under misconceptions
Blogger Keith Ng challenges Phil Twyford on his release of some anecdotal Auckland housing data supposedly showing which nationality is buying houses there
11th Jul 15, 12:40pm
by Guest
Blogger Keith Ng challenges Phil Twyford on his release of some anecdotal Auckland housing data supposedly showing which nationality is buying houses there
Jenée Tibshraeny on how the clash of political, corporate and scientific interests isn't getting us anywhere on the fat tax debate
10th Jul 15, 2:03pm
Jenée Tibshraeny on how the clash of political, corporate and scientific interests isn't getting us anywhere on the fat tax debate