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National Party

Finance Minister Grant Robertson announces $1 bln of government spending will be reprioritised in Budget 2019, including $197 mln freed up due to lower than expected tertiary enrolment numbers
14th May 19, 1:05pm
Finance Minister Grant Robertson announces $1 bln of government spending will be reprioritised in Budget 2019, including $197 mln freed up due to lower than expected tertiary enrolment numbers
The Spinoff's Toby Manhire sits down in a parliamentary corridor with Climate Change Minister James Shaw to discuss the Zero Carbon Bill, and why he’s been bending over backwards to win National’s support
11th May 19, 9:31am
by Guest
The Spinoff's Toby Manhire sits down in a parliamentary corridor with Climate Change Minister James Shaw to discuss the Zero Carbon Bill, and why he’s been bending over backwards to win National’s support
Government commits to treating biological emissions differently to other greenhouse gas emissions as it introduces zero carbon legislation to Parliament; Fails to secure full support from National
8th May 19, 10:36am
Government commits to treating biological emissions differently to other greenhouse gas emissions as it introduces zero carbon legislation to Parliament; Fails to secure full support from National
Yes/No question on cannabis referendum at 2020 election to be based on draft legislation that proposes users must be 20+
7th May 19, 9:42am
Yes/No question on cannabis referendum at 2020 election to be based on draft legislation that proposes users must be 20+
National's Judith Collins refuses to rule out leadership bid, while leader Simon Bridges refuses to say he trusts her, as party's caucus meets for first time since the Easter break
30th Apr 19, 12:26pm
National's Judith Collins refuses to rule out leadership bid, while leader Simon Bridges refuses to say he trusts her, as party's caucus meets for first time since the Easter break
There are numerous ways the Government could cool the housing market if prices started rocketing up again, including the capital gains taxes we already have, Greg Ninness writes
30th Apr 19, 12:19pm
There are numerous ways the Government could cool the housing market if prices started rocketing up again, including the capital gains taxes we already have, Greg Ninness writes
David Hargreaves says the harsh reality of what will pass as Census 2018 information demonstrates the urgent need to bin the whole thing and bring forward the next census
29th Apr 19, 2:00pm
David Hargreaves says the harsh reality of what will pass as Census 2018 information demonstrates the urgent need to bin the whole thing and bring forward the next census
Peter Dunne says Labour is now in a peculiar position of being broadly in step with public opinion, but having to placate two very grumpy groups in the unions and the Greens
18th Apr 19, 10:52am
Peter Dunne says Labour is now in a peculiar position of being broadly in step with public opinion, but having to placate two very grumpy groups in the unions and the Greens
MMP in action: ​Jenée Tibshraeny on the politics of the Government putting a Capital Gains Tax to bed
17th Apr 19, 7:40pm
MMP in action: ​Jenée Tibshraeny on the politics of the Government putting a Capital Gains Tax to bed
Prime Minister says Govt unable to find 'consensus' and is ruling out a Capital Gains Tax under her leadership
17th Apr 19, 2:09pm
Prime Minister says Govt unable to find 'consensus' and is ruling out a Capital Gains Tax under her leadership
Labour one seat shy of being able to govern on its own according to 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll; Ardern soars ahead as preferred prime minister; Bridges neck and neck with Collins
15th Apr 19, 6:46pm
Labour one seat shy of being able to govern on its own according to 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll; Ardern soars ahead as preferred prime minister; Bridges neck and neck with Collins
David Hargreaves reckons that whether by design or not the Tax Working Group has ended up being a public referendum for Capital Gains Tax - and it's likely to work out well for the Government
15th Apr 19, 3:23pm
David Hargreaves reckons that whether by design or not the Tax Working Group has ended up being a public referendum for Capital Gains Tax - and it's likely to work out well for the Government
National's Revenue Spokesperson Andrew Bayly says the impact of Capital Gains Tax on the commercial property sector has received little focus - and this is a mistake
15th Apr 19, 12:40pm
by Guest
National's Revenue Spokesperson Andrew Bayly says the impact of Capital Gains Tax on the commercial property sector has received little focus - and this is a mistake
Peter Dunne calls for a wide ranging investigation into health issues and a plan for the medicines New Zealanders might reasonably expect to have access to and how these should be funded
11th Apr 19, 2:17pm
Peter Dunne calls for a wide ranging investigation into health issues and a plan for the medicines New Zealanders might reasonably expect to have access to and how these should be funded
David Hargreaves ponders whether we need a rethink of how we structure and fund our primary gatherer of statistical information - and maybe we should start with scrapping the 2018 census and starting again
9th Apr 19, 11:47am
David Hargreaves ponders whether we need a rethink of how we structure and fund our primary gatherer of statistical information - and maybe we should start with scrapping the 2018 census and starting again
Chris Trotter wonders whether provincial and conservative New Zealanders will embrace diversity and multiculturalism with the same fervour as their fellow citizens in Grey Lynn and Wadestown
8th Apr 19, 8:24am
Chris Trotter wonders whether provincial and conservative New Zealanders will embrace diversity and multiculturalism with the same fervour as their fellow citizens in Grey Lynn and Wadestown
Peter Dunne bemoans the current sorry state of politics, which has seen the demise of give-and-take and balanced argument that had previously been the hallmarks of liberal democracy
4th Apr 19, 8:39am
Peter Dunne bemoans the current sorry state of politics, which has seen the demise of give-and-take and balanced argument that had previously been the hallmarks of liberal democracy
Peter Dunne reflects on the tragic events in Christchurch on March 15
21st Mar 19, 8:25am
Peter Dunne reflects on the tragic events in Christchurch on March 15
Serious Fraud Office receives complaint made to Police in October about the disclosure of political donations; Simon Bridges says it's a matter for the National Party to deal with
12th Mar 19, 10:16am
Serious Fraud Office receives complaint made to Police in October about the disclosure of political donations; Simon Bridges says it's a matter for the National Party to deal with
Government warned of big bank backlash in wake of surprise Reserve Bank capital proposals going above international norm
12th Mar 19, 5:00am
Government warned of big bank backlash in wake of surprise Reserve Bank capital proposals going above international norm
Chris Trotter says the Government's handling of the Tax Working Group has highlighted Grant Robertson's reliance on his mentor Michael Cullen
11th Mar 19, 9:42am
Chris Trotter says the Government's handling of the Tax Working Group has highlighted Grant Robertson's reliance on his mentor Michael Cullen
Peter Dunne argues the Wellington bureaucracy will be a good gauge of whether the Government is likely to be re-elected next year
10th Mar 19, 6:02am
Peter Dunne argues the Wellington bureaucracy will be a good gauge of whether the Government is likely to be re-elected next year
Tax Working Group Chair kept on the job for 4 months longer than initially planned; Michael Cullen says he's there to bat for the integrity of the report not the Government 
6th Mar 19, 5:03pm
Tax Working Group Chair kept on the job for 4 months longer than initially planned; Michael Cullen says he's there to bat for the integrity of the report not the Government 
Ardern assures any MMP threshold changes wouldn't take effect in 2020 election, despite Little hours earlier saying they could; Bridges says changes would need cross-party support
5th Mar 19, 12:30pm
Ardern assures any MMP threshold changes wouldn't take effect in 2020 election, despite Little hours earlier saying they could; Bridges says changes would need cross-party support
Grant Robertson's wellbeing budget, will it be a new way to measure our success as a country or just a public relations exercise? Or is it just a twist on the National Party’s social investment approach?
3rd Mar 19, 6:02am
Grant Robertson's wellbeing budget, will it be a new way to measure our success as a country or just a public relations exercise? Or is it just a twist on the National Party’s social investment approach?