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David Cunliffe

Dotcom says will reveal the 'sordid workings of Hollywood' in John Key's Government; Winston Peters suggests NZ First's coalition terms
10th Sep 14, 8:50am
Dotcom says will reveal the 'sordid workings of Hollywood' in John Key's Government; Winston Peters suggests NZ First's coalition terms
National criticised for vague and small plans for tax cuts that may be replaced by debt repayment; Greens plan big Wellington transport spending
9th Sep 14, 2:14pm
National criticised for vague and small plans for tax cuts that may be replaced by debt repayment; Greens plan big Wellington transport spending
Resilient in the polls despite 'Dirty Politics', National goes fishing for votes in Hauraki Gulf and Marlborough Sounds; ACT fears 'Frankenstein'
8th Sep 14, 8:32am
Resilient in the polls despite 'Dirty Politics', National goes fishing for votes in Hauraki Gulf and Marlborough Sounds; ACT fears 'Frankenstein'
Polls show National resilient after Collins resigation; Green sewage treatement pln; Labour says National's partners want NZ$42 bln of tax cuts
5th Sep 14, 9:50pm
Polls show National resilient after Collins resigation; Green sewage treatement pln; Labour says National's partners want NZ$42 bln of tax cuts
National promises to spend up to NZ$210 mln to extend UFB to extra 5% of population; Key and Cunliffe debate CGT; Rawshark's latest Whaledump
4th Sep 14, 5:05pm
National promises to spend up to NZ$210 mln to extend UFB to extra 5% of population; Key and Cunliffe debate CGT; Rawshark's latest Whaledump
Key trips up Cunliffe over whether Capital Gains Tax applies to the family home in a trust; Key hints at tax cut of up to NZ$30/wk; CERA shift planned
3rd Sep 14, 9:39am
Key trips up Cunliffe over whether Capital Gains Tax applies to the family home in a trust; Key hints at tax cut of up to NZ$30/wk; CERA shift planned
Judith Collins resigns after revelation of Slater email saying she was "gunning for Feeley"; Collins denies campaigning to oust SFO Director; Key says Collins had to go
30th Aug 14, 4:45pm
Judith Collins resigns after revelation of Slater email saying she was "gunning for Feeley"; Collins denies campaigning to oust SFO Director; Key says Collins had to go
Cunliffe seen winning on points in first leaders debate with Key, who seemed flat and rattled; Your view?; Collins denies plot to roll Key and calls Winston a liar
29th Aug 14, 8:50am
Cunliffe seen winning on points in first leaders debate with Key, who seemed flat and rattled; Your view?; Collins denies plot to roll Key and calls Winston a liar
National down in polls after 'Dirty Politics'; Labour not the beneficiary; Winston Peters firming up as Kingmaker; Eyes ahead to leaders debate
28th Aug 14, 12:43pm
National down in polls after 'Dirty Politics'; Labour not the beneficiary; Winston Peters firming up as Kingmaker; Eyes ahead to leaders debate
Labour announces NZ Power plan with standardised bills, single state buyer and breakup of 'gentailers'; NZ First dumps Williams
27th Aug 14, 9:31am
Labour announces NZ Power plan with standardised bills, single state buyer and breakup of 'gentailers'; NZ First dumps Williams
Poll shows most want foreign buying limits; Survey finds over third say 'Dirty Politics' will affect their vote; Assange to help Dotcom on Sept 15
26th Aug 14, 10:20am
Poll shows most want foreign buying limits; Survey finds over third say 'Dirty Politics' will affect their vote; Assange to help Dotcom on Sept 15
National would double first home buyer subisidies; Labour says it would just pump up prices; Internet Mana loses its temper; Labour sets climate, transport policies
25th Aug 14, 9:15am
National would double first home buyer subisidies; Labour says it would just pump up prices; Internet Mana loses its temper; Labour sets climate, transport policies
DigiPoll shows National and John Key down sharply, but still well ahead of Labour, which also fell; Key's word questioned over Slater's OIA to SIS
22nd Aug 14, 10:08am
DigiPoll shows National and John Key down sharply, but still well ahead of Labour, which also fell; Key's word questioned over Slater's OIA to SIS
Key calls for debate on policy substance rather than 'Dirty Politics'; Key says Greens 'smoking pot' with budget surplus promise; Key challenged on SIS knowledge
21st Aug 14, 10:36am
Key calls for debate on policy substance rather than 'Dirty Politics'; Key says Greens 'smoking pot' with budget surplus promise; Key challenged on SIS knowledge
Greens release fiscal policy for election; say they would run bigger surpluses and repay debt faster than National; tax hikes and spending detailed
20th Aug 14, 12:34pm
Greens release fiscal policy for election; say they would run bigger surpluses and repay debt faster than National; tax hikes and spending detailed
Financial market fears of National loss in election grow as Whaledump begins drip-feeding Slater's docs; Hooton says National will now lose
19th Aug 14, 9:49am
Financial market fears of National loss in election grow as Whaledump begins drip-feeding Slater's docs; Hooton says National will now lose
Hager expects leaker of Whaleoil documents to release them separately; Key still defending Ede and Collins, and won't criticise Slater; Green plan for tax hikes
18th Aug 14, 11:24am
Hager expects leaker of Whaleoil documents to release them separately; Key still defending Ede and Collins, and won't criticise Slater; Green plan for tax hikes
Key defiant over Hager book and defends both Ede and Collins; Labour calls for Key to dump Collins over claims in book; Labour struggles in poll
15th Aug 14, 10:50am
Key defiant over Hager book and defends both Ede and Collins; Labour calls for Key to dump Collins over claims in book; Labour struggles in poll
National's Joyce dismisses Nicky Hager's 'Dirty Tricks' book as nothing new and wild conspiracy; Greens lay complaints alleging corruption
14th Aug 14, 12:23pm
National's Joyce dismisses Nicky Hager's 'Dirty Tricks' book as nothing new and wild conspiracy; Greens lay complaints alleging corruption
Nicky Hager book uses leaked emails to allege John Key office is closely linked to dirty tricks campaigns with bloggers that attacks opponents
13th Aug 14, 11:50am
Nicky Hager book uses leaked emails to allege John Key office is closely linked to dirty tricks campaigns with bloggers that attacks opponents
Bill English says corporate farmers such as Shanghai Pengxin won't last in low returns farming business; Campaign gets ugly
12th Aug 14, 9:13am
Bill English says corporate farmers such as Shanghai Pengxin won't last in low returns farming business; Campaign gets ugly
Cunliffe offers free doctors visits and prescriptions to over 65s; NZ First offers NZ$1,000 per baby KiwiSaver; Peters' jokes fall flat
11th Aug 14, 10:48am
Cunliffe offers free doctors visits and prescriptions to over 65s; NZ First offers NZ$1,000 per baby KiwiSaver; Peters' jokes fall flat
Gareth Vaughan asks whether Kiwibank needs a change of government if it's to stop treading water and really kick on and grow
8th Aug 14, 2:04pm
Gareth Vaughan asks whether Kiwibank needs a change of government if it's to stop treading water and really kick on and grow
Labour exempts Australians from ban on foreigners buying land; Harre defends Internet-Mana's f*** you John Key video; Govt agrees to leave Rena on seabed
8th Aug 14, 11:52am
Labour exempts Australians from ban on foreigners buying land; Harre defends Internet-Mana's f*** you John Key video; Govt agrees to leave Rena on seabed
Cunliffe pledges to stop Lochinver sale; Key says pre-judging OIO risks legal action; Labour eyes irrigation charges
7th Aug 14, 10:30am
Cunliffe pledges to stop Lochinver sale; Key says pre-judging OIO risks legal action; Labour eyes irrigation charges