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Winston Peters

Winston Peters' lawyer, Brian Henry, threatens to sue Simon Bridges and Nick Smith if they repeat comments about alleged NZ First electoral fraud; Says a loan made by NZ First Foundation to the party was repaid
21st Nov 19, 4:33pm
Winston Peters' lawyer, Brian Henry, threatens to sue Simon Bridges and Nick Smith if they repeat comments about alleged NZ First electoral fraud; Says a loan made by NZ First Foundation to the party was repaid
Peter Dunne says the controversy over NZ First's funding is already raising questions about how the reputation of the current Government may be affected
21st Nov 19, 9:07am
Peter Dunne says the controversy over NZ First's funding is already raising questions about how the reputation of the current Government may be affected
Danyl Mclauchlan on why having an early election might be better for Labour and the Greens than enduring another year of NZ First drama
19th Nov 19, 7:22pm
by Guest
Danyl Mclauchlan on why having an early election might be better for Labour and the Greens than enduring another year of NZ First drama
NZ First Leader Winston Peters distances himself from the foundation allegedly used to funnel donations to his party, saying it sits in the 'administrative' side of the party, not the 'political wing' he takes care of
19th Nov 19, 4:59pm
NZ First Leader Winston Peters distances himself from the foundation allegedly used to funnel donations to his party, saying it sits in the 'administrative' side of the party, not the 'political wing' he takes care of
Jenée Tibshraeny details why the political unity shown around the Zero Carbon Bill will be short-lived with National and NZ First to battle it out for the farming vote
10th Nov 19, 6:02am
Jenée Tibshraeny details why the political unity shown around the Zero Carbon Bill will be short-lived with National and NZ First to battle it out for the farming vote
Katharine Moody on Government options for bottom trawling, pokies, synthetic nitrogen, agricultural emissions and the Billion Trees policy
8th Nov 19, 10:00am
by Guest
Katharine Moody on Government options for bottom trawling, pokies, synthetic nitrogen, agricultural emissions and the Billion Trees policy
Government gives farmers until 2025 to come up with their own on-farm emissions pricing scheme; If they don't pull their weight, they'll end up in the ETS
24th Oct 19, 9:36am
Government gives farmers until 2025 to come up with their own on-farm emissions pricing scheme; If they don't pull their weight, they'll end up in the ETS
Chris Trotter argues that although democratic socialism is Labour’s official ideology, New Zealand politics lacks traditional left-wing champions like Bernie Sanders & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
21st Oct 19, 9:49am
Chris Trotter argues that although democratic socialism is Labour’s official ideology, New Zealand politics lacks traditional left-wing champions like Bernie Sanders & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Unionists pushing for fair pay agreements get another consultation document rather than the draft legislation they were hoping for; National says the Government needs to stop stalling and can the idea altogether
17th Oct 19, 2:07pm
Unionists pushing for fair pay agreements get another consultation document rather than the draft legislation they were hoping for; National says the Government needs to stop stalling and can the idea altogether
Winston Peters tells unionists wanting a fair pay agreement framework legislated that change can't happen overnight; Jacinda Ardern says the Government's still 'consensus building' and fair pay agreements are part of a 'longer-term solution'
15th Oct 19, 4:36pm
Winston Peters tells unionists wanting a fair pay agreement framework legislated that change can't happen overnight; Jacinda Ardern says the Government's still 'consensus building' and fair pay agreements are part of a 'longer-term solution'
Government reverses previous clampdown by the National administration on parents of migrants being allowed to settle here; move follows a previous reversal by this Govt on temporary visas
7th Oct 19, 8:00am
Government reverses previous clampdown by the National administration on parents of migrants being allowed to settle here; move follows a previous reversal by this Govt on temporary visas
Peter Dunne looks at the challenges Labour faces from being in coalition with NZ First suggesting the party needs to take a stand against a NZ First position on a drugs issue
3rd Oct 19, 9:53am
Peter Dunne looks at the challenges Labour faces from being in coalition with NZ First suggesting the party needs to take a stand against a NZ First position on a drugs issue
The Opportunities Party's Geoff Simmons on population, productivity, planting trees, parking & micro-mobility and prohibition
27th Sep 19, 10:00am
The Opportunities Party's Geoff Simmons on population, productivity, planting trees, parking & micro-mobility and prohibition
Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters says the Government is striving to address the quality of immigration, saying 'it’s not whether it’s too high it's whether you are getting the right people' that matters most
24th Sep 19, 10:27am
Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters says the Government is striving to address the quality of immigration, saying 'it’s not whether it’s too high it's whether you are getting the right people' that matters most
Chris Trotter argues the causes and conditions are in place for the formation of a new mainstream political party in New Zealand but the chances of one emerging are 'vanishingly remote'
9th Sep 19, 9:49am
Chris Trotter argues the causes and conditions are in place for the formation of a new mainstream political party in New Zealand but the chances of one emerging are 'vanishingly remote'
NZ First's Shane Jones and Winston Peters announce $98.4 million investment from the Provincial Growth Fund in Auckland to Whangarei rail line
6th Sep 19, 12:16pm
NZ First's Shane Jones and Winston Peters announce $98.4 million investment from the Provincial Growth Fund in Auckland to Whangarei rail line
Peter Dunne says questions are being asked whether NZ First is reverting to type and is it about to bring about a fracture within the government to allow it to differentiate itself, and perhaps recover its support, in time for the election
8th Aug 19, 8:58am
Peter Dunne says questions are being asked whether NZ First is reverting to type and is it about to bring about a fracture within the government to allow it to differentiate itself, and perhaps recover its support, in time for the election
Government rebukes China on reports of Chinese officials pressuring AUT to scrap a Tiananmen Square commemoration and condemning Hong Kong democracy protestors at Auckland University
6th Aug 19, 8:15pm
Government rebukes China on reports of Chinese officials pressuring AUT to scrap a Tiananmen Square commemoration and condemning Hong Kong democracy protestors at Auckland University
Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters says a NZ-US free trade agreement is step closer to becoming a reality as the US understands the 'theatre' playing out in the Pacific
30th Jul 19, 7:28am
Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters says a NZ-US free trade agreement is step closer to becoming a reality as the US understands the 'theatre' playing out in the Pacific
National more popular than Labour in political poll despite support for Simon Bridges being rock-bottom; Outgoing Air NZ CEO Christopher Luxon deemed a preferred prime minister
29th Jul 19, 6:50pm
National more popular than Labour in political poll despite support for Simon Bridges being rock-bottom; Outgoing Air NZ CEO Christopher Luxon deemed a preferred prime minister
The trillion dollar reason Wednesday's RMA reform announcement saw David Parker puff his chest out, Winston Peters dismiss Maori rights, and Judith Collins talk up restoring property owners' rights 
25th Jul 19, 10:20am
The trillion dollar reason Wednesday's RMA reform announcement saw David Parker puff his chest out, Winston Peters dismiss Maori rights, and Judith Collins talk up restoring property owners' rights 
Peter Dunne wonders how much more humiliation the Greens’ rank and file membership will be prepared to accept before walking away altogether
18th Jul 19, 9:33am
Peter Dunne wonders how much more humiliation the Greens’ rank and file membership will be prepared to accept before walking away altogether
Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters highlights benefits of NZ-China FTA in bid to get the US to enter into an agreement with NZ
17th Jul 19, 6:13pm
Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters highlights benefits of NZ-China FTA in bid to get the US to enter into an agreement with NZ
Peter Dunne says courting New Zealand First the way Simon Bridges seems to want to do plays right into their hands, making them centre stage once again
4th Jul 19, 9:03am
Peter Dunne says courting New Zealand First the way Simon Bridges seems to want to do plays right into their hands, making them centre stage once again
The PM is dismissive of the Deputy PM telling Grey Power Cabinet is working on making it harder for migrants to get Super and considering requiring employers of over-65s to match their employees' KiwiSaver contributions
20th May 19, 7:17pm
The PM is dismissive of the Deputy PM telling Grey Power Cabinet is working on making it harder for migrants to get Super and considering requiring employers of over-65s to match their employees' KiwiSaver contributions