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bank capital

As the bad news continues flowing out of ANZ New Zealand, we seek answers to some pertinent questions
2nd Jul 19, 7:28pm
As the bad news continues flowing out of ANZ New Zealand, we seek answers to some pertinent questions
Prime Minister dismissive of ANZ, as it raises concerns over proposed bank capital rules eating away at GDP and pushing lending towards housing
1st Jul 19, 7:13pm
Prime Minister dismissive of ANZ, as it raises concerns over proposed bank capital rules eating away at GDP and pushing lending towards housing
RBNZ publishes submissions on its bank regulatory capital proposals and a summary of them, offers no specific response but highlights IMF, OECD and S&P comments on stronger bank capital
1st Jul 19, 2:49pm
RBNZ publishes submissions on its bank regulatory capital proposals and a summary of them, offers no specific response but highlights IMF, OECD and S&P comments on stronger bank capital
Reserve Bank Deputy Governor says the central bank is 'comfortable' with further easing in bank lending restrictions for home buying
1st Jul 19, 10:14am
Reserve Bank Deputy Governor says the central bank is 'comfortable' with further easing in bank lending restrictions for home buying
Roger J Kerr says the negative forces on the NZ dollar have reduced in intensity, while the economy’s relative performance is still pretty good, so, further gains to above 0.6800 seem likely  
1st Jul 19, 8:21am
Roger J Kerr says the negative forces on the NZ dollar have reduced in intensity, while the economy’s relative performance is still pretty good, so, further gains to above 0.6800 seem likely  
Deputy Governor Geoff Bascand signals shift in Reserve Bank regulatory approach to a more pro-active, more intensive and more intrusive one after recent shortcomings emerged at banks and insurers
27th Jun 19, 7:32am
Deputy Governor Geoff Bascand signals shift in Reserve Bank regulatory approach to a more pro-active, more intensive and more intrusive one after recent shortcomings emerged at banks and insurers
The IMF and OECD weigh in on the RBNZ's proposals to increase bank capital requirements, and the Government's proposal for protection for bank depositors
26th Jun 19, 3:34pm
The IMF and OECD weigh in on the RBNZ's proposals to increase bank capital requirements, and the Government's proposal for protection for bank depositors
Whilst ANZ NZ hogs the bank capital misdeeds headlines, Westpac NZ is poised to deliver its response to the RBNZ after being caught out using unapproved capital models 2 years ago
26th Jun 19, 9:53am
Whilst ANZ NZ hogs the bank capital misdeeds headlines, Westpac NZ is poised to deliver its response to the RBNZ after being caught out using unapproved capital models 2 years ago
David Hargreaves says Facebook's pre-emptive strike with a global cryptocurrency has given huge urgency to the whole question of what happens after cash
25th Jun 19, 9:16am
David Hargreaves says Facebook's pre-emptive strike with a global cryptocurrency has given huge urgency to the whole question of what happens after cash
Government to introduce deposit protection regime that will likely cover 40% of funds in bank deposits; Treasury warns costs could fall on bank customers, shareholders and taxpayers
24th Jun 19, 4:00pm
Government to introduce deposit protection regime that will likely cover 40% of funds in bank deposits; Treasury warns costs could fall on bank customers, shareholders and taxpayers
ANZ NZ's regulatory capital modelling and director attestation process to be independently reviewed after falling foul of RBNZ requirements
24th Jun 19, 9:59am
ANZ NZ's regulatory capital modelling and director attestation process to be independently reviewed after falling foul of RBNZ requirements
Roger J Kerr reckons something positive has already happened behind the scenes that we haven't yet been told about in the US-China trade dispute and he sees upcoming developments as positive for our currency
24th Jun 19, 8:41am
Roger J Kerr reckons something positive has already happened behind the scenes that we haven't yet been told about in the US-China trade dispute and he sees upcoming developments as positive for our currency
Reserve Bank has an 'open mind' on the new cryptocurrency being launched by Facebook, but says safeguards and 'how much protection society wants' need to be considered
20th Jun 19, 12:03pm
Reserve Bank has an 'open mind' on the new cryptocurrency being launched by Facebook, but says safeguards and 'how much protection society wants' need to be considered
National Leader Simon Bridges calls for the Finance Minister to challenge the Reserve Bank's independence by intervening in its controversial bank capital review
20th Jun 19, 7:40am
National Leader Simon Bridges calls for the Finance Minister to challenge the Reserve Bank's independence by intervening in its controversial bank capital review
New Reserve Bank paper says with the declining use of cash, Kiwis already 'left out' of the banking or digital worlds may be 'severely disadvantaged'
19th Jun 19, 1:46pm
New Reserve Bank paper says with the declining use of cash, Kiwis already 'left out' of the banking or digital worlds may be 'severely disadvantaged'
The scale of departing ANZ NZ CEO David Hisco's public humiliation by his employer doesn't fit the crime he's said to have committed, Gareth Vaughan argues
18th Jun 19, 9:42am
The scale of departing ANZ NZ CEO David Hisco's public humiliation by his employer doesn't fit the crime he's said to have committed, Gareth Vaughan argues
Roger J Kerr says Thursday's GDP figures may be a key short term factor in whether the New Zealand dollar can push back upwards again
17th Jun 19, 8:35am
Roger J Kerr says Thursday's GDP figures may be a key short term factor in whether the New Zealand dollar can push back upwards again
Gareth Vaughan argues there are bigger issues at play behind ANZ NZ's censure by the RBNZ, well beyond calling for John Key to go as the bank's chairman
11th Jun 19, 3:27pm
Gareth Vaughan argues there are bigger issues at play behind ANZ NZ's censure by the RBNZ, well beyond calling for John Key to go as the bank's chairman
Roger J Kerr says changing interest rate market pricing in the US has caused the American dollar to lose ground
10th Jun 19, 9:27am
Roger J Kerr says changing interest rate market pricing in the US has caused the American dollar to lose ground
Federated Farmers says its quoting of bank lobby group CEO warning of perceived cost of RBNZ bank capital proposals in press release on farmer banking survey was part of ensuring balance & right of reply
8th Jun 19, 9:12am
Federated Farmers says its quoting of bank lobby group CEO warning of perceived cost of RBNZ bank capital proposals in press release on farmer banking survey was part of ensuring balance & right of reply
SBS Bank CEO Shaun Drylie hopeful the mutually owned building society will gain RBNZ approval for a Tier 1 capital instrument to help it meet the regulator's bank capital proposals
6th Jun 19, 5:00am
SBS Bank CEO Shaun Drylie hopeful the mutually owned building society will gain RBNZ approval for a Tier 1 capital instrument to help it meet the regulator's bank capital proposals
New Zealand's big four banks deliver strong March quarter return on equity as profit surges, ANZ cuts dividend
4th Jun 19, 9:48am
New Zealand's big four banks deliver strong March quarter return on equity as profit surges, ANZ cuts dividend
BNZ says bug in a third-party foreign exchange trading platform in 2014 resulted in a forex trade replicating in error causing an unintended position of over $1 billion against US dollar for half an hour
1st Jun 19, 9:31am
BNZ says bug in a third-party foreign exchange trading platform in 2014 resulted in a forex trade replicating in error causing an unintended position of over $1 billion against US dollar for half an hour
RBNZ says upgrades to its key financial market infrastructures ESAS and NZClear are behind schedule, won't commit to a new go-live date
30th May 19, 10:23am
RBNZ says upgrades to its key financial market infrastructures ESAS and NZClear are behind schedule, won't commit to a new go-live date
Governor Adrian Orr says RBNZ is 'open minded' about its proposals to increase bank capital, but wants more capital and good quality capital
29th May 19, 3:30pm
Governor Adrian Orr says RBNZ is 'open minded' about its proposals to increase bank capital, but wants more capital and good quality capital