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Housing rents up strongly in Wellington, flat in Auckland and declining in Christchurch
21st Jun 17, 11:42am
Housing rents up strongly in Wellington, flat in Auckland and declining in Christchurch
Eric Crampton says the government needs to take steps to encourage councils to get new housing built including adopting the Productivity Commission’s recommendations on urban planning
10th Jun 17, 8:51am
Eric Crampton says the government needs to take steps to encourage councils to get new housing built including adopting the Productivity Commission’s recommendations on urban planning
The RBNZ says debt to income restrictions could prevent about 10,000 borrowers from buying a house, reduce house sales volumes by about 9%, trim house prices and credit growth by up to 5%, and shave 0.1% off GDP
9th Jun 17, 7:49am
The RBNZ says debt to income restrictions could prevent about 10,000 borrowers from buying a house, reduce house sales volumes by about 9%, trim house prices and credit growth by up to 5%, and shave 0.1% off GDP
Wellington Mayor targets rental supply boost with council-backed lease policy designed to enable private building owners to source financing for quake strengthening & refurbishment
7th Jun 17, 4:03pm
Wellington Mayor targets rental supply boost with council-backed lease policy designed to enable private building owners to source financing for quake strengthening & refurbishment
ANZ's Cameron Bagrie suggests New Zealanders may be ready to 'eat broccoli' by making some hard economic decisions such as implementing a comprehensive capital gains tax
7th Jun 17, 12:33pm
ANZ's Cameron Bagrie suggests New Zealanders may be ready to 'eat broccoli' by making some hard economic decisions such as implementing a comprehensive capital gains tax
Bill English & Olly Newland defend Accommodation Supplement boost as Labour’s David Parker rips into it as subsidising millionaire Auckland landlords
30th May 17, 1:56pm
Bill English & Olly Newland defend Accommodation Supplement boost as Labour’s David Parker rips into it as subsidising millionaire Auckland landlords
The latest Reserve Bank data shows new lending falling significantly from the same month a year ago, but new lending to property investors has fallen at twice the overall pace
27th May 17, 11:11am
The latest Reserve Bank data shows new lending falling significantly from the same month a year ago, but new lending to property investors has fallen at twice the overall pace
Budget 2017 ‘families package’ includes Accommodation Supplement boost, more Auckland suburbs into top bracket; WFF payments raised; Bottom two income tax thresholds up
25th May 17, 2:00pm
Budget 2017 ‘families package’ includes Accommodation Supplement boost, more Auckland suburbs into top bracket; WFF payments raised; Bottom two income tax thresholds up
With interest costs rising faster than rents and capital gains turning negative, many Auckland property investors will be facing some tough choices
23rd May 17, 10:10am
With interest costs rising faster than rents and capital gains turning negative, many Auckland property investors will be facing some tough choices
Andrew Little defends Labour's negative gearing policy against criticisms rents will rise and house building fall; Says aim is to stabilise market
15th May 17, 12:21pm
Andrew Little defends Labour's negative gearing policy against criticisms rents will rise and house building fall; Says aim is to stabilise market
The rental housing market slowed in April as it headed towards winter but rents remained at or near record highs in many areas
9th May 17, 11:54am
The rental housing market slowed in April as it headed towards winter but rents remained at or near record highs in many areas
Gareth Morgan on why we should vote for The Opportunities Party when he wants to get his policies implemented but doesn't want to join the parliamentary 'zoo' 
4th May 17, 10:32am
Gareth Morgan on why we should vote for The Opportunities Party when he wants to get his policies implemented but doesn't want to join the parliamentary 'zoo' 
Residential property is a market of two halves for investors, with falling prices pushing up yields in Auckland, and strongly rising prices forcing yields down in Wellington
2nd May 17, 1:36pm
Residential property is a market of two halves for investors, with falling prices pushing up yields in Auckland, and strongly rising prices forcing yields down in Wellington
Median rents up $50 a week over last 12 months in parts of Auckland; Rents continuing to increase sharply when supply is also increasing suggests supply is still falling well short of demand
20th Apr 17, 8:07am
Median rents up $50 a week over last 12 months in parts of Auckland; Rents continuing to increase sharply when supply is also increasing suggests supply is still falling well short of demand
Shamubeel Eaqub rails against govt failures that led to an undersupply of 500,000 homes over 30 years, and rising societal gaps as social housing was ignored
6th Apr 17, 12:00pm
Shamubeel Eaqub rails against govt failures that led to an undersupply of 500,000 homes over 30 years, and rising societal gaps as social housing was ignored
The PSA weighs into the Auckland housing crisis with tales of woe and suggested solutions from its members
2nd Apr 17, 6:02am
The PSA weighs into the Auckland housing crisis with tales of woe and suggested solutions from its members
Partial means testing of NZ Super and restrictions on the ability of landlords to evict tenants are cornerstones of The Opportunities Party's housing and income policies
15th Mar 17, 8:00am
Partial means testing of NZ Super and restrictions on the ability of landlords to evict tenants are cornerstones of The Opportunities Party's housing and income policies
Rents rising strongly in Auckland, Tauranga, Porirua and Queenstown, falling in Christchurch and Kapiti
9th Mar 17, 7:58am
Rents rising strongly in Auckland, Tauranga, Porirua and Queenstown, falling in Christchurch and Kapiti
Queenstown rents up 26.7% compared to a year ago with increases in parts of Wellington also in double digits, Auckland not far behind, Christchurch rents declining
24th Feb 17, 2:12pm
Queenstown rents up 26.7% compared to a year ago with increases in parts of Wellington also in double digits, Auckland not far behind, Christchurch rents declining
Yields starting to rise on residential investment properties in Auckland as rents rise and capital gains start to dry up
13th Feb 17, 2:43pm
Yields starting to rise on residential investment properties in Auckland as rents rise and capital gains start to dry up
Gareth Vaughan on combating & lampooning Trump, Wettergate & the liberal legion, China & Trump, the Trump News Network, UK landlords swapping houses for shops & more
20th Jan 17, 10:21am
Gareth Vaughan on combating & lampooning Trump, Wettergate & the liberal legion, China & Trump, the Trump News Network, UK landlords swapping houses for shops & more
Asking rents on Trade Me Property rose strongly in Wellington last year but showed only modest gains in Auckland and declined in Christchurch
16th Jan 17, 1:22pm
Asking rents on Trade Me Property rose strongly in Wellington last year but showed only modest gains in Auckland and declined in Christchurch
Barfoot & Thompson says average rents in Auckland up 5% on a year ago but vacancy rates just 1% in spite of a rush of new stock
4th Nov 16, 12:57pm
Barfoot & Thompson says average rents in Auckland up 5% on a year ago but vacancy rates just 1% in spite of a rush of new stock
What property owners need to know as their insurers duck for cover to avoid being lumped with meth damage bills
4th Nov 16, 5:02am
What property owners need to know as their insurers duck for cover to avoid being lumped with meth damage bills
Gross residential rental yields below bank deposit rates in parts of Auckland as investors chase capital gains. Yields on a slippery slope around the rest of the country
28th Oct 16, 7:36am
Gross residential rental yields below bank deposit rates in parts of Auckland as investors chase capital gains. Yields on a slippery slope around the rest of the country