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Alison Brook explores where New Zealand stands with targeting new infrastructure investment, what is shovel-ready, and how it may affect our national productivity
12th Feb 21, 9:23am
Alison Brook explores where New Zealand stands with targeting new infrastructure investment, what is shovel-ready, and how it may affect our national productivity
The whole purpose of technological advancements is to enable goods and services to be produced and distributed more efficiently and at a lower cost. Yet these big deflationary forces are not captured in official policy models notes Alison Brook
20th Jan 21, 11:54am
The whole purpose of technological advancements is to enable goods and services to be produced and distributed more efficiently and at a lower cost. Yet these big deflationary forces are not captured in official policy models notes Alison Brook
Massey's Alison Brook says the unsustainable imbalances of debt, saving and investment will inevitably worsen inequality, and then require increasingly radical solutions if they are left to fester for much longer
26th Nov 20, 11:12am
Massey's Alison Brook says the unsustainable imbalances of debt, saving and investment will inevitably worsen inequality, and then require increasingly radical solutions if they are left to fester for much longer
Gareth Vaughan taps into the thoughts of MMT economist Steven Hail, ex-RBNZ assistant governor John McDermott, and ANZ's head of research Richard Yetsenga on monetary policy and other COVID era economic issues
25th Oct 20, 6:00am
Gareth Vaughan taps into the thoughts of MMT economist Steven Hail, ex-RBNZ assistant governor John McDermott, and ANZ's head of research Richard Yetsenga on monetary policy and other COVID era economic issues
Gareth Vaughan takes a look at how and why central banks, including the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, use the stars to help meet, and try to meet, their monetary policy remits
21st Oct 20, 5:00am
Gareth Vaughan takes a look at how and why central banks, including the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, use the stars to help meet, and try to meet, their monetary policy remits
Gareth Vaughan on the IMF advocating borrowing over austerity & a new Bretton Woods moment, the good times roll for US banks, the case for a Scottish currency, less extreme wind in NZ, the problem with our SUVs, utes & vans, and an orange Lamborghini
16th Oct 20, 9:56am
Gareth Vaughan on the IMF advocating borrowing over austerity & a new Bretton Woods moment, the good times roll for US banks, the case for a Scottish currency, less extreme wind in NZ, the problem with our SUVs, utes & vans, and an orange Lamborghini
Terry Baucher outlines a potential menu to rein in soaring house prices featuring the application of the thin capitalisation regime to investment property, and reintroduced and stricter LVR restrictions for all buyers except first home buyers
7th Oct 20, 10:29am
Terry Baucher outlines a potential menu to rein in soaring house prices featuring the application of the thin capitalisation regime to investment property, and reintroduced and stricter LVR restrictions for all buyers except first home buyers
Brian Fallow suggests cutting the GST rate would have a more stimulatory impact on the economy than the National Party's proposed tax cuts
21st Sep 20, 10:32am
Brian Fallow suggests cutting the GST rate would have a more stimulatory impact on the economy than the National Party's proposed tax cuts
Finance Minister Grant Robertson says average $35 mln annual funding increase for RBNZ over five years comes with staff numbers expected to increase by 172
26th Jun 20, 4:34pm
Finance Minister Grant Robertson says average $35 mln annual funding increase for RBNZ over five years comes with staff numbers expected to increase by 172
Brian Fallow looks at whether it's fair to burden future taxpayers with a huge public debt while failing to address the cost of an ageing population
19th May 20, 11:24am
Brian Fallow looks at whether it's fair to burden future taxpayers with a huge public debt while failing to address the cost of an ageing population
Morgan Stanley argues the Covid-19 crisis is ushering in 'a regime shift' to an inflationary world with the key structural 'disinflationary' forces of the past 30 years being disrupted
14th May 20, 11:04am
Morgan Stanley argues the Covid-19 crisis is ushering in 'a regime shift' to an inflationary world with the key structural 'disinflationary' forces of the past 30 years being disrupted
Tom Coupe on coronavirus. The quest for accurate statistics, misjudging risk, panic buying and the economic impact of pandemics
6th Mar 20, 10:00am
Tom Coupe on coronavirus. The quest for accurate statistics, misjudging risk, panic buying and the economic impact of pandemics
Stephen Roach points out the world economy came dangerously close to recession in 2019 - and its not out of the woods
28th Jan 20, 9:56am
Stephen Roach points out the world economy came dangerously close to recession in 2019 - and its not out of the woods
Stephen Roach argues that growing economic, financial, and monetary policy risks warrant concern about a major shock
27th Dec 19, 9:29am
by Guest
Stephen Roach argues that growing economic, financial, and monetary policy risks warrant concern about a major shock
A researcher lament of governments' failure to collect the most basic statistics on the distribution of income and wealth, an absurd failure because banks and big tech have this data now
27th Dec 19, 9:15am
by Guest
A researcher lament of governments' failure to collect the most basic statistics on the distribution of income and wealth, an absurd failure because banks and big tech have this data now
Gareth Vaughan says the RBNZ's latest Financial Stability Report highlights for banks, insurers and non-bank deposit takers that their regulator will be sticking its nose into their business more often and in more ways than in the past.
29th Nov 19, 5:00am
Gareth Vaughan says the RBNZ's latest Financial Stability Report highlights for banks, insurers and non-bank deposit takers that their regulator will be sticking its nose into their business more often and in more ways than in the past.
Stephen Roach says trade truce or not, a protracted Cold War-like conflict between the United States and China has already begun. That should worry the US, which, unlike China, is devoid of a long-term strategic framework
26th Nov 19, 9:57am
Stephen Roach says trade truce or not, a protracted Cold War-like conflict between the United States and China has already begun. That should worry the US, which, unlike China, is devoid of a long-term strategic framework
Reda Cherif and Fuad Hasanov argue that a true industrial policy is essentially a technology and innovation policy, with technology and innovation key to economic growth
3rd Nov 19, 6:00am
by Guest
Reda Cherif and Fuad Hasanov argue that a true industrial policy is essentially a technology and innovation policy, with technology and innovation key to economic growth
The IMF finds New Zealand's economy has a loss of momentum with risks to the downside, despite operating close to potential. It likes the new fiscal flexibility and the RBNZ's plans to increase bank capital
21st Sep 19, 10:48am
by admin
The IMF finds New Zealand's economy has a loss of momentum with risks to the downside, despite operating close to potential. It likes the new fiscal flexibility and the RBNZ's plans to increase bank capital
Stephen Grenville sees Argentina's latest external funding crisis as further proof of a failed approach by the International Monetary Fund, and underscores the need for reform at the IMF itself
14th Sep 19, 12:00pm
by Guest
Stephen Grenville sees Argentina's latest external funding crisis as further proof of a failed approach by the International Monetary Fund, and underscores the need for reform at the IMF itself
San Francisco Federal Reserve President Mary Daly on using monetary policy tools pre-emptively, running a hot economy, testing the limits of full employment and upping government spending
29th Aug 19, 4:11pm
San Francisco Federal Reserve President Mary Daly on using monetary policy tools pre-emptively, running a hot economy, testing the limits of full employment and upping government spending
Live-streamed video of the keynote lecture by Mary Daly, President of the San Francisco Federal Reserve given at Te Papa, Wellington
29th Aug 19, 9:16am
by admin
Live-streamed video of the keynote lecture by Mary Daly, President of the San Francisco Federal Reserve given at Te Papa, Wellington
Despite seeming unlikely right now, ultimately both America and China might see some advantage in taking currency conflict off the table, in the hope of preventing wider damage to themselves and others
10th Aug 19, 12:35pm
by Guest
Despite seeming unlikely right now, ultimately both America and China might see some advantage in taking currency conflict off the table, in the hope of preventing wider damage to themselves and others
Patrick Watson says using tariffs and other trade barriers isn't how we got the strong economy some current leaders idealise, noting they often deliver the opposite
25th Jul 19, 10:22am
Patrick Watson says using tariffs and other trade barriers isn't how we got the strong economy some current leaders idealise, noting they often deliver the opposite
Christine Lagarde’s departure from the International Monetary Fund represents a golden opportunity to reconsider its global role. What should her successor's priorities be?
20th Jul 19, 11:42am
by Guest
Christine Lagarde’s departure from the International Monetary Fund represents a golden opportunity to reconsider its global role. What should her successor's priorities be?