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Megan Woods

Labour is now pledging to have 100% renewable electricity generation by 2030 and is targeting more electrification of transport and industry and further investment in emerging technologies such as green hydrogen
10th Sep 20, 1:00pm
Labour is now pledging to have 100% renewable electricity generation by 2030 and is targeting more electrification of transport and industry and further investment in emerging technologies such as green hydrogen
Govt accepts Public Inquiry recommendation to consider increasing the EQC cap so more risk falls with the state insurer rather than private insurers in the event of a disaster
31st Aug 20, 12:49pm
Govt accepts Public Inquiry recommendation to consider increasing the EQC cap so more risk falls with the state insurer rather than private insurers in the event of a disaster
National commits to 'facilitating negotiations' to keep aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point open, as Rio Tinto says it could stage a longer exit if it gets a 'fixed and fair' electricity transmission price
28th Aug 20, 12:41pm
National commits to 'facilitating negotiations' to keep aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point open, as Rio Tinto says it could stage a longer exit if it gets a 'fixed and fair' electricity transmission price
Govt allocates hundreds of millions towards finding a Covid-19 vaccine; Details of exactly where funding is going kept under wraps for commercial reasons
27th Aug 20, 10:03am
Govt allocates hundreds of millions towards finding a Covid-19 vaccine; Details of exactly where funding is going kept under wraps for commercial reasons
National's border policy: Testing before entering NZ, compulsory contact tracing of arrivals and border staff, use of Bluetooth, a new agency to oversee the Covid response
20th Aug 20, 11:00am
National's border policy: Testing before entering NZ, compulsory contact tracing of arrivals and border staff, use of Bluetooth, a new agency to oversee the Covid response
Heather Simpson and Brian Roche to lead new group to provide oversight of the Ministry of Health; Govt to deploy an additional 500 Defence Force staff to border; Gets rid of some private security staff
19th Aug 20, 1:41pm
Heather Simpson and Brian Roche to lead new group to provide oversight of the Ministry of Health; Govt to deploy an additional 500 Defence Force staff to border; Gets rid of some private security staff
Government to underwrite and invest in 'stalled or at-risk' residential property developments amid fears of credit crunch
7th Aug 20, 11:00am
Government to underwrite and invest in 'stalled or at-risk' residential property developments amid fears of credit crunch
Kiwis abroad who visit New Zealand for less than 90 days to be charged for staying in managed isolation, as will New Zealanders who leave the country now, and some temporary visa holders
29th Jul 20, 1:13pm
Kiwis abroad who visit New Zealand for less than 90 days to be charged for staying in managed isolation, as will New Zealanders who leave the country now, and some temporary visa holders
Climate Change Commissioner Rod Carr on the need for a national energy plan, what to do with Tiwai Point's electricity, decarbonising transport and more
29th Jul 20, 12:01pm
Climate Change Commissioner Rod Carr on the need for a national energy plan, what to do with Tiwai Point's electricity, decarbonising transport and more
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Science and Research
25th Jul 20, 5:56am
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Science and Research
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Transport - Emissions
25th Jul 20, 5:56am
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Transport - Emissions
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Environment - Carbon Tax
25th Jul 20, 5:55am
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Environment - Carbon Tax
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Environment - Emissions Trading Scheme
25th Jul 20, 5:55am
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Environment - Emissions Trading Scheme
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Housing
25th Jul 20, 5:55am
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Housing
Govt finally takes baby step towards getting people into their first homes via progressive ownership, giving two community organisations $23 million to scale up their offerings
24th Jul 20, 1:36pm
Govt finally takes baby step towards getting people into their first homes via progressive ownership, giving two community organisations $23 million to scale up their offerings
Number of returning kiwis who can stay in managed isolation limited to less than 7000, as no new facilities are being brought on for now
22nd Jul 20, 5:50pm
Number of returning kiwis who can stay in managed isolation limited to less than 7000, as no new facilities are being brought on for now
Security at managed isolation facilities to be beefed up; Processes around what happens if someone escapes to be reviewed
9th Jul 20, 2:37pm
Security at managed isolation facilities to be beefed up; Processes around what happens if someone escapes to be reviewed
NZ Aluminium Smelters says lower cost power could prompt it to keep its doors open, but the window of opportunity is closing quickly; Government won't provide subsidy
9th Jul 20, 11:29am
NZ Aluminium Smelters says lower cost power could prompt it to keep its doors open, but the window of opportunity is closing quickly; Government won't provide subsidy
Government looks to limit the flow of passengers back into the country as quarantine facilities fill up
7th Jul 20, 8:40am
Government looks to limit the flow of passengers back into the country as quarantine facilities fill up
A new survey by Stickybeak for The Spinoff shows the popular assessment of the government response to the Covid-19 crisis at its lowest level yet
23rd Jun 20, 6:12pm
by Guest
A new survey by Stickybeak for The Spinoff shows the popular assessment of the government response to the Covid-19 crisis at its lowest level yet
Border exemptions on economic grounds not a priority for the govt, as it gear up to cope with increasing numbers of returning kiwis; Cost to taxpayers to hit $379mln by December
22nd Jun 20, 6:18pm
Border exemptions on economic grounds not a priority for the govt, as it gear up to cope with increasing numbers of returning kiwis; Cost to taxpayers to hit $379mln by December
Defence Force presence at isolation facilities to double to 72; Officials brought in to do a review and will report back next week
19th Jun 20, 3:35pm
Defence Force presence at isolation facilities to double to 72; Officials brought in to do a review and will report back next week
Public Inquiry recommends seismic shift in risk from private insurers to EQC when it comes to insuring residential buildings against natural disasters
9th Apr 20, 10:31am
Public Inquiry recommends seismic shift in risk from private insurers to EQC when it comes to insuring residential buildings against natural disasters
Landlords barred from increasing residential rents for the next 6 months; Tenancies can't be terminated during lock-down period without agreement; Tenants given more leeway for late rent payments
25th Mar 20, 4:14pm
Landlords barred from increasing residential rents for the next 6 months; Tenancies can't be terminated during lock-down period without agreement; Tenants given more leeway for late rent payments
Govt promises law change this year to make wholesale fuel prices more transparent, supplier/distributor contracts fairer, and retail premium petrol prices clearer
27th Feb 20, 11:06am
Govt promises law change this year to make wholesale fuel prices more transparent, supplier/distributor contracts fairer, and retail premium petrol prices clearer