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Megan Woods

Stay for 7 days, then pay - Government to start charging emergency housing recipients rent like other social housing tenants 
14th Feb 20, 5:00am
Stay for 7 days, then pay - Government to start charging emergency housing recipients rent like other social housing tenants 
Government plans to buy and rent about 800 more houses, and set up 'temporary housing villages' as part of $300m investment to reduce homelessness
13th Feb 20, 11:35am
Government plans to buy and rent about 800 more houses, and set up 'temporary housing villages' as part of $300m investment to reduce homelessness
Salvation Army questions how we're building more houses, but low income earners are still struggling to put roofs over their heads
12th Feb 20, 5:00am
Salvation Army questions how we're building more houses, but low income earners are still struggling to put roofs over their heads
KiwiBuild stock take: Govt currently $26 million out of pocket buying and selling KiwiBuild houses; 406 houses sold, 728 under construction; Mixed response from developers to reset
7th Feb 20, 9:42am
KiwiBuild stock take: Govt currently $26 million out of pocket buying and selling KiwiBuild houses; 406 houses sold, 728 under construction; Mixed response from developers to reset
Government gives Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities the green light to more than double its debt to $7 billion; Housing NZ to issue $2.5 billion of bonds this year
17th Jan 20, 12:09pm
Government gives Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities the green light to more than double its debt to $7 billion; Housing NZ to issue $2.5 billion of bonds this year
A closer look at Phil Twyford's much-anticipated Bill that will give central government the power to fast-track large urban development projects
10th Dec 19, 3:59pm
A closer look at Phil Twyford's much-anticipated Bill that will give central government the power to fast-track large urban development projects
Tamarind ordered to halt production following oil spill, as voluntary administrators look for ways to keep production going; Regulator unsatisfied Tamarind's operation is safe; Minister concerned taxpayers could foot cost of decommissioning
27th Nov 19, 5:10pm
Tamarind ordered to halt production following oil spill, as voluntary administrators look for ways to keep production going; Regulator unsatisfied Tamarind's operation is safe; Minister concerned taxpayers could foot cost of decommissioning
Oil and gas company in voluntary administration and being chased for US$100 million by the Government, Tamarind, alerts Maritime NZ to tiny oil spill near its operation off the Taranaki coast
25th Nov 19, 8:16pm
Oil and gas company in voluntary administration and being chased for US$100 million by the Government, Tamarind, alerts Maritime NZ to tiny oil spill near its operation off the Taranaki coast
Government commits similar amount to helping send satellite to space to measure emissions and setting up a NZ control centre, as it commits to helping farmers deal with the effects of climate change 
6th Nov 19, 7:33pm
Government commits similar amount to helping send satellite to space to measure emissions and setting up a NZ control centre, as it commits to helping farmers deal with the effects of climate change 
Rio Tinto's dangling the potential closure of Tiwai Point in front of the Government. What's its power play and what are the consequences for New Zealand?
25th Oct 19, 5:50am
Rio Tinto's dangling the potential closure of Tiwai Point in front of the Government. What's its power play and what are the consequences for New Zealand?
Taxpayer support for New Zealand Aluminium Smelter not an option, says Energy Minister Megan Woods, as owner considers closure
23rd Oct 19, 10:15am
Taxpayer support for New Zealand Aluminium Smelter not an option, says Energy Minister Megan Woods, as owner considers closure
A wrap of the not so politically sexy work underway to increase the supply of houses... eventually
12th Oct 19, 11:26am
A wrap of the not so politically sexy work underway to increase the supply of houses... eventually
Electricity market changes include big power companies having to sell electricity at 'affordable' rates into wholesale market and extending discount pricing rates to all power customers; 'backstop legislation' will allow Govt to regulate when necessary
3rd Oct 19, 12:00pm
by admin
Electricity market changes include big power companies having to sell electricity at 'affordable' rates into wholesale market and extending discount pricing rates to all power customers; 'backstop legislation' will allow Govt to regulate when necessary
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, against Treasury's advice, sees KiwiBuild as the 'biggest lever' the Government can pull to improve housing affordability
9th Sep 19, 6:30pm
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, against Treasury's advice, sees KiwiBuild as the 'biggest lever' the Government can pull to improve housing affordability
Treasury advises new Housing Minister that government building programmes (ie: KiwiBuild) will be 'expensive, inflationary, and slow to deliver' without supply reforms; Says need can't be met in current environment
7th Sep 19, 10:58am
Treasury advises new Housing Minister that government building programmes (ie: KiwiBuild) will be 'expensive, inflationary, and slow to deliver' without supply reforms; Says need can't be met in current environment
The latest changes to KiwiBuild won't be a game changer for housing, Greg Ninness argues, with news of new housing authority Kainga Ora elusive
5th Sep 19, 7:39am
The latest changes to KiwiBuild won't be a game changer for housing, Greg Ninness argues, with news of new housing authority Kainga Ora elusive
Housing Minister Megan Woods on ditching KiwiBuild targets, lumping developers with more risk and involving community organisations in progressive home ownership schemes
4th Sep 19, 8:04pm
Housing Minister Megan Woods on ditching KiwiBuild targets, lumping developers with more risk and involving community organisations in progressive home ownership schemes
Housing reset: KiwiBuild eligibility broadened for buyers and developers; Developers to shoulder more risk; $400m of KiwiBuild funding to go towards new progressive home ownership schemes; Existing schemes supporting first-home-buyers bolstered
4th Sep 19, 1:00pm
Housing reset: KiwiBuild eligibility broadened for buyers and developers; Developers to shoulder more risk; $400m of KiwiBuild funding to go towards new progressive home ownership schemes; Existing schemes supporting first-home-buyers bolstered
A look into the viability of the future the Government envisages, where an over-supply of renewable energy is captured, stored in hydrogen cells and exported
3rd Sep 19, 2:10pm
A look into the viability of the future the Government envisages, where an over-supply of renewable energy is captured, stored in hydrogen cells and exported
The country's lakes have been topped up and the main gas field is back in action, but electricity prices have settled at an elevated level and aren't expected to fall. We look at what's going on
30th Aug 19, 9:51am
The country's lakes have been topped up and the main gas field is back in action, but electricity prices have settled at an elevated level and aren't expected to fall. We look at what's going on
KiwiBuild Head of Delivery Helen O'Sullivan resigns a month before her contract expires to take up a private sector role; News comes ahead of Government announcing its housing 'reset'
21st Aug 19, 1:08pm
KiwiBuild Head of Delivery Helen O'Sullivan resigns a month before her contract expires to take up a private sector role; News comes ahead of Government announcing its housing 'reset'
ICCC report calls for accelerated electrification to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, saying a shift to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2035 is too costly
16th Jul 19, 3:03pm
ICCC report calls for accelerated electrification to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, saying a shift to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2035 is too costly
Chris Trotter wonders when we as a nation stopped believing in ourselves sufficiently to attempt big heroic state projects such as those completed in the past
15th Jul 19, 8:00am
Chris Trotter wonders when we as a nation stopped believing in ourselves sufficiently to attempt big heroic state projects such as those completed in the past
If Megan Woods really is a left-wing housing minister, then pushing for a left-wing shift in housing policy is the last thing she will do, Chris Trotter argues
1st Jul 19, 9:58am
If Megan Woods really is a left-wing housing minister, then pushing for a left-wing shift in housing policy is the last thing she will do, Chris Trotter argues
With Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford set to continue leading key housing-related law changes, Jenée Tibshraeny argues he shouldn't be written off as an architect of the Government’s broader housing policy
29th Jun 19, 10:28am
With Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford set to continue leading key housing-related law changes, Jenée Tibshraeny argues he shouldn't be written off as an architect of the Government’s broader housing policy