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PM Jacinda Ardern refuses to say whether she'd prefer tax reform to be revenue-neutral despite instructing the Tax Working Group to put revenue-neutral packages on the table
11th Mar 19, 5:40pm
PM Jacinda Ardern refuses to say whether she'd prefer tax reform to be revenue-neutral despite instructing the Tax Working Group to put revenue-neutral packages on the table
Labour more discreet than NZ First in gauging public opinion on the introduction of a capital gains tax through an online poll
11th Mar 19, 12:49pm
Labour more discreet than NZ First in gauging public opinion on the introduction of a capital gains tax through an online poll
Finance Minister Grant Robertson says it isn't unreasonable to pay Michael Cullen up to $1062 a day to spend the next four months defending the integrity of the TWG report
7th Mar 19, 4:09pm
Finance Minister Grant Robertson says it isn't unreasonable to pay Michael Cullen up to $1062 a day to spend the next four months defending the integrity of the TWG report
Tax Working Group Chair kept on the job for 4 months longer than initially planned; Michael Cullen says he's there to bat for the integrity of the report not the Government 
6th Mar 19, 5:03pm
Tax Working Group Chair kept on the job for 4 months longer than initially planned; Michael Cullen says he's there to bat for the integrity of the report not the Government 
IRD to share information with larger pool of jurisdictions to help crack down on tax evaders; More data not expected to bring in more tax revenue until IRD ups its capabilities
5th Mar 19, 5:48pm
IRD to share information with larger pool of jurisdictions to help crack down on tax evaders; More data not expected to bring in more tax revenue until IRD ups its capabilities
Shipley to retire as China Construction Bank NZ Chair in wake of Mainzeal ruling; Ardern says Shipley's position on board of taxpayer-funded NZ China Council 'not a matter for Government'
4th Mar 19, 6:33pm
Shipley to retire as China Construction Bank NZ Chair in wake of Mainzeal ruling; Ardern says Shipley's position on board of taxpayer-funded NZ China Council 'not a matter for Government'
New Auckland Council and government working group to address housing and urban growth issues gets ready for action
4th Mar 19, 5:01pm
New Auckland Council and government working group to address housing and urban growth issues gets ready for action
RBNZ digs its heels in on proposals to increase bank capital, Deputy Governor says RBNZ wants to reduce extent to which banks have been allowed to operate closer to the edge than other businesses
26th Feb 19, 12:38pm
RBNZ digs its heels in on proposals to increase bank capital, Deputy Governor says RBNZ wants to reduce extent to which banks have been allowed to operate closer to the edge than other businesses
S&P sees stand-alone credit profile upside for big 4 NZ banks & their Aussie parents from RBNZ capital plans
26th Feb 19, 11:31am
S&P sees stand-alone credit profile upside for big 4 NZ banks & their Aussie parents from RBNZ capital plans
Terry Baucher says the minority view in the Tax Working Group's final report means we could get an extension of the taxation of capital just to residential property investment 
24th Feb 19, 6:02am
Terry Baucher says the minority view in the Tax Working Group's final report means we could get an extension of the taxation of capital just to residential property investment 
Tax Working Group says the Govt should 'give favourable consideration' to exempting NZ Super Fund from NZ tax because it's 'an instrument of the Govt'
22nd Feb 19, 7:48am
Tax Working Group says the Govt should 'give favourable consideration' to exempting NZ Super Fund from NZ tax because it's 'an instrument of the Govt'
Government taking 'measured' approach as coalition partners seek consensus on Tax Working Group's findings; Winston Peters sticks to the script
21st Feb 19, 1:48pm
Government taking 'measured' approach as coalition partners seek consensus on Tax Working Group's findings; Winston Peters sticks to the script
Bridges says a capital gains tax would cause people to leave for Australia (where there is a capital gains tax); fails to answer questions about the fairness and effectiveness of the tax system
19th Feb 19, 6:11pm
Bridges says a capital gains tax would cause people to leave for Australia (where there is a capital gains tax); fails to answer questions about the fairness and effectiveness of the tax system
Treasury warns scrapping tenure review could cost the Government more; Minister says there are alternatives to conserving pastoral land without the the Crown fully buying it back
19th Feb 19, 7:43am
Treasury warns scrapping tenure review could cost the Government more; Minister says there are alternatives to conserving pastoral land without the the Crown fully buying it back
Governor Adrian Orr says the RBNZ's proposals to increase banks' capital come from the perspective of society's risk appetite, not banks' risk appetite
18th Feb 19, 1:02pm
Governor Adrian Orr says the RBNZ's proposals to increase banks' capital come from the perspective of society's risk appetite, not banks' risk appetite
Terry Baucher looks ahead at a big year for taxation, Inland Revenue, and its 'customers'
18th Feb 19, 9:55am
Terry Baucher looks ahead at a big year for taxation, Inland Revenue, and its 'customers'
Government announces planned reforms of vocational education and training
13th Feb 19, 12:46pm
Government announces planned reforms of vocational education and training
New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) re-evaluating Auckland’s much maligned East-West Link (EWL) motorway project
12th Feb 19, 11:03am
New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) re-evaluating Auckland’s much maligned East-West Link (EWL) motorway project
Infrastructure Minister Shane Jones says Auckland Mayor Phil Goff should find money for an apparent City Rail Link shortfall instead of worrying about light rail
7th Feb 19, 3:25pm
Infrastructure Minister Shane Jones says Auckland Mayor Phil Goff should find money for an apparent City Rail Link shortfall instead of worrying about light rail
Geof Mortlock argues New Zealand needs stronger protection for depositors to counter the Reserve Bank’s 'odd approach' to managing a bank failure
6th Feb 19, 8:30am
Geof Mortlock argues New Zealand needs stronger protection for depositors to counter the Reserve Bank’s 'odd approach' to managing a bank failure
Ministry responds to National's criticism the Provincial Growth Fund has only created 54 jobs, saying over 10,000 jobs 'may be created' in the future
5th Feb 19, 2:48pm
Ministry responds to National's criticism the Provincial Growth Fund has only created 54 jobs, saying over 10,000 jobs 'may be created' in the future
Local Government New Zealand's call for government action to address rising sea levels met with minister's somewhat muted response
4th Feb 19, 1:55pm
Local Government New Zealand's call for government action to address rising sea levels met with minister's somewhat muted response
Geof Mortlock argues the RBNZ's proposals to increase bank capital are poorly thought through and unsupported by analysis
4th Feb 19, 10:39am
Geof Mortlock argues the RBNZ's proposals to increase bank capital are poorly thought through and unsupported by analysis
National Party transport spokesman Paul Goldsmith backs Treasury concerns about the proposed Auckland light rail project, saying it is politically driven
31st Jan 19, 5:00am
National Party transport spokesman Paul Goldsmith backs Treasury concerns about the proposed Auckland light rail project, saying it is politically driven
Infrastructure policy mistakes take decades to unwind and cost megabucks. Auckland Council economists say policy makers should 'think big' and make 'economically rigorous decisions'
30th Jan 19, 3:47pm
by Guest
Infrastructure policy mistakes take decades to unwind and cost megabucks. Auckland Council economists say policy makers should 'think big' and make 'economically rigorous decisions'