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David Hargreaves


A senior journalist and news editor with, David Hargreaves has covered financial markets and economics both in New Zealand and Britain for longer than he cares to mention.

Member for

11 years 10 months

Latest articles

Despite some signs of stabilising dairy prices, economists see any chance of a sharp rebound in returns as a 'distant prospect'
20th May 15, 9:30am
Despite some signs of stabilising dairy prices, economists see any chance of a sharp rebound in returns as a 'distant prospect'
The one thing missing in all the debate about Auckland housing has been cold hard facts about just who is buying the houses
19th May 15, 5:03am
The one thing missing in all the debate about Auckland housing has been cold hard facts about just who is buying the houses
The panicky measures by the Government to address the Auckland house market may have some unintended consequences, but should provide at least a little breathing space
18th May 15, 11:45am
The panicky measures by the Government to address the Auckland house market may have some unintended consequences, but should provide at least a little breathing space
People will be missing the point if they measure the effectiveness of the RBNZ's Auckland property investor moves simply by how much house prices go up or down
14th May 15, 11:31am
People will be missing the point if they measure the effectiveness of the RBNZ's Auckland property investor moves simply by how much house prices go up or down
Central bank says financial stress among dairy farmers could 'rise markedly' if milk prices remain low in the new season
13th May 15, 12:45pm
Central bank says financial stress among dairy farmers could 'rise markedly' if milk prices remain low in the new season
Central bank's decision to target Auckland for lending restrictions has to be applauded
13th May 15, 10:11am
Central bank's decision to target Auckland for lending restrictions has to be applauded
Westpac economists say the moves to free-up Auckland's housing supply regulations are actually helping to drive land prices higher and they now predict 10% house price inflation for NZ this year
11th May 15, 1:16pm
Westpac economists say the moves to free-up Auckland's housing supply regulations are actually helping to drive land prices higher and they now predict 10% house price inflation for NZ this year
ANZ economists now expect the RBNZ to cut official interest rates in June followed by another drop in July
11th May 15, 9:28am
ANZ economists now expect the RBNZ to cut official interest rates in June followed by another drop in July
IRD targets the offshore-owned banks and others believed to be avoiding paying their fair share of New Zealand tax
7th May 15, 11:31am
IRD targets the offshore-owned banks and others believed to be avoiding paying their fair share of New Zealand tax
If it believes its own words the Government should be prepared to take centralised control of Auckland housing development
6th May 15, 4:43pm
If it believes its own words the Government should be prepared to take centralised control of Auckland housing development
The Reserve Bank is rapidly running out of excuses for keeping official interest rates as high as they are
6th May 15, 1:02pm
The Reserve Bank is rapidly running out of excuses for keeping official interest rates as high as they are
Economists further trim milk price expectations as global dairy prices continue to slump
6th May 15, 10:34am
Economists further trim milk price expectations as global dairy prices continue to slump
Reserve Bank figures show investors still very active in house market, while business and agricultural lending is heading sharply higher
1st May 15, 10:02am
Reserve Bank figures show investors still very active in house market, while business and agricultural lending is heading sharply higher
Auckland Mayor Len Brown unveils plans for motorway user charges and a $99-a-year ratepayer levy to pay for transport upgrades
30th Apr 15, 10:29am
Auckland Mayor Len Brown unveils plans for motorway user charges and a $99-a-year ratepayer levy to pay for transport upgrades
Fonterra now expects milk price of just $4.50 for current season, down from $4.70; dividend forecast unchanged
30th Apr 15, 9:20am
Fonterra now expects milk price of just $4.50 for current season, down from $4.70; dividend forecast unchanged
Given our central bank's increased emphasis on preserving financial stability, it might be time to look again at its official remit
29th Apr 15, 1:03pm
Given our central bank's increased emphasis on preserving financial stability, it might be time to look again at its official remit
Those cheeky Singaporean adverts about Auckland apartments might help to focus the Government's mind around foreign ownership
23rd Apr 15, 10:31am
Those cheeky Singaporean adverts about Auckland apartments might help to focus the Government's mind around foreign ownership
Property investor takes advantage of low global interest rates with US private placement of long-term debt
22nd Apr 15, 2:52pm
Property investor takes advantage of low global interest rates with US private placement of long-term debt
We should embrace and accept Auckland's housing bubble - but do something about it as well
22nd Apr 15, 12:08pm
We should embrace and accept Auckland's housing bubble - but do something about it as well
Academics say 'unprecedented' rent increases - of about a third - would be needed to bring Auckland's house price-to-rents ratios into line with the rest of the country
21st Apr 15, 5:05am
Academics say 'unprecedented' rent increases - of about a third - would be needed to bring Auckland's house price-to-rents ratios into line with the rest of the country
The Reserve Bank's decision to press the Government for action on the overheating Auckland house market is an admission of its own powerlessness
15th Apr 15, 4:25pm
The Reserve Bank's decision to press the Government for action on the overheating Auckland house market is an admission of its own powerlessness
All the jawboning on the Auckland housing market is demonstrating the unwillingness of politicians to actually do anything about the rapidly inflating bubble
13th Apr 15, 2:39pm
All the jawboning on the Auckland housing market is demonstrating the unwillingness of politicians to actually do anything about the rapidly inflating bubble
BNZ chief economist Tony Alexander believes the Kiwi dollar can still reach equality with its trans-Tasman cousin
8th Apr 15, 11:46am
BNZ chief economist Tony Alexander believes the Kiwi dollar can still reach equality with its trans-Tasman cousin
The Northland by-election may pave the way for increased Regional NZ v Auckland political posturing
8th Apr 15, 10:41am
The Northland by-election may pave the way for increased Regional NZ v Auckland political posturing
Kiwi-Aussie dollar parity party put on ice for the moment as RBA retains interest rates at 2.25%
7th Apr 15, 4:37pm
Kiwi-Aussie dollar parity party put on ice for the moment as RBA retains interest rates at 2.25%