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Infometrics' Brad Olsen on the Govt and data protection, Stats NZ's new branch, the local elections, whether the end really is in sight for the US-China trade war and meeting global meat demand
18th Oct 19, 10:00am
Infometrics' Brad Olsen on the Govt and data protection, Stats NZ's new branch, the local elections, whether the end really is in sight for the US-China trade war and meeting global meat demand
Better access to the huge Indian market important focus for New Zealand in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiations with dairy exports an important part of the equation
16th Oct 19, 3:48pm
Better access to the huge Indian market important focus for New Zealand in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiations with dairy exports an important part of the equation
If we want to assure our export markets and tourists that we are actually a clean sustainable country, we actually have to prove it, freshwater ecologist Russell Death writes for The Spinoff
10th Oct 19, 11:04am
by Guest
If we want to assure our export markets and tourists that we are actually a clean sustainable country, we actually have to prove it, freshwater ecologist Russell Death writes for The Spinoff
Closing the Ports of Auckland and moving its operations to Whangarei would cost $10.3 billion according to EY report  
4th Oct 19, 1:49pm
Closing the Ports of Auckland and moving its operations to Whangarei would cost $10.3 billion according to EY report  
Latest NZIER Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion suggests GDP could fall below 1% later this year; RBNZ likely to be forced to cut interest rates further
1st Oct 19, 10:13am
Latest NZIER Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion suggests GDP could fall below 1% later this year; RBNZ likely to be forced to cut interest rates further
Latest ANZ Business Outlook Survey shows that the Reserve Bank's 'shock and Orr' cut to interest rates last month has done little to improve sentiment in the business community
30th Sep 19, 1:23pm
Latest ANZ Business Outlook Survey shows that the Reserve Bank's 'shock and Orr' cut to interest rates last month has done little to improve sentiment in the business community
Ports of Auckland chief executive Tony Gibson says it has been a 'challenging but productive' 12 months for the port
27th Sep 19, 10:00am
Ports of Auckland chief executive Tony Gibson says it has been a 'challenging but productive' 12 months for the port
Benje Patterson says Finance Minister Grant Robertson could stimulate the economy by targeting tax cuts at lower income households via a cash handout
19th Sep 19, 1:25pm
Benje Patterson says Finance Minister Grant Robertson could stimulate the economy by targeting tax cuts at lower income households via a cash handout
Westpac economists say unconventional monetary policy could help the Reserve Bank meet its inflation target but they warn that any monetary policy is 'no panacea'
18th Sep 19, 11:06am
Westpac economists say unconventional monetary policy could help the Reserve Bank meet its inflation target but they warn that any monetary policy is 'no panacea'
PTS proposal to ship thousands of imported cars a year from the Ports of Auckland to Highbrook still has to get port sign off
16th Sep 19, 4:01pm
PTS proposal to ship thousands of imported cars a year from the Ports of Auckland to Highbrook still has to get port sign off
Alan Bollard argues New Zealand needs to consider whether our economic policies are fit for purpose in a new world, and whether our government should be working in the interest of New Zealand or New Zealanders
11th Sep 19, 11:23am
Alan Bollard argues New Zealand needs to consider whether our economic policies are fit for purpose in a new world, and whether our government should be working in the interest of New Zealand or New Zealanders
NZ First's Shane Jones and Winston Peters announce $98.4 million investment from the Provincial Growth Fund in Auckland to Whangarei rail line
6th Sep 19, 12:16pm
NZ First's Shane Jones and Winston Peters announce $98.4 million investment from the Provincial Growth Fund in Auckland to Whangarei rail line
The big bank economists are mulling what the flagging business confidence and drooping inflation expectations mean for the economy, with one economist even questioning whether the economy is heading for 'stall speed'
2nd Sep 19, 2:32pm
The big bank economists are mulling what the flagging business confidence and drooping inflation expectations mean for the economy, with one economist even questioning whether the economy is heading for 'stall speed'
ANZ Business Outlook Survey says there's 'nothing good to say' about business confidence as it hits the lowest level in over 11 years while increasing numbers of firms intend to reduce staff numbers
29th Aug 19, 1:14pm
ANZ Business Outlook Survey says there's 'nothing good to say' about business confidence as it hits the lowest level in over 11 years while increasing numbers of firms intend to reduce staff numbers
S&P global chief economist Paul Gruenwald says major economies are still performing okay despite the US-China trade war fuelling anxiety
27th Aug 19, 4:56pm
S&P global chief economist Paul Gruenwald says major economies are still performing okay despite the US-China trade war fuelling anxiety
David Hargreaves says with the Official Cash Rate now quickly moving towards zero we will all need to know as soon as possible what alternative weapons the Reserve Bank proposes wielding to shape monetary policy
18th Aug 19, 6:02am
David Hargreaves says with the Official Cash Rate now quickly moving towards zero we will all need to know as soon as possible what alternative weapons the Reserve Bank proposes wielding to shape monetary policy
The Auckland Council's dividends from the Ports of Auckland will be seriously cut according to new projections
15th Aug 19, 3:41pm
The Auckland Council's dividends from the Ports of Auckland will be seriously cut according to new projections
China overtakes the USA as our main market for beef. Although pushed up by the ASF demand recently, the long-term trend was already in play boosted by Chinese dietary changes. But other competitors are challenging for China's demand too
10th Aug 19, 12:52pm
by admin
China overtakes the USA as our main market for beef. Although pushed up by the ASF demand recently, the long-term trend was already in play boosted by Chinese dietary changes. But other competitors are challenging for China's demand too
With the Reserve Bank starting to run out of room to further cut interest rates, ANZ economists are calling for the central bank to soon unveil what its plans are for 'unconventional' monetary policy
8th Aug 19, 3:03pm
With the Reserve Bank starting to run out of room to further cut interest rates, ANZ economists are calling for the central bank to soon unveil what its plans are for 'unconventional' monetary policy
Treasury warns of the risks from our dairy exports dominating our overall export performance, and being too concentrated with China as a customer. It finds other concentrations as well
6th Aug 19, 6:24am
by Guest
Treasury warns of the risks from our dairy exports dominating our overall export performance, and being too concentrated with China as a customer. It finds other concentrations as well
ANZ Business Outlook Survey shows the worst sentiment in the construction sector since 2009, while overall business confidence has sagged again and more firms are expecting to cut staff
31st Jul 19, 1:26pm
ANZ Business Outlook Survey shows the worst sentiment in the construction sector since 2009, while overall business confidence has sagged again and more firms are expecting to cut staff
Westpac economists pare back their economic growth forecasts and now see annual GDP growth of just 2.4% through the first half of this year, however, they reckon house price growth could be even stronger than they previously forecast
8th Jul 19, 11:17am
Westpac economists pare back their economic growth forecasts and now see annual GDP growth of just 2.4% through the first half of this year, however, they reckon house price growth could be even stronger than they previously forecast
NZIER Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion shows a net 31% of businesses see deteriorating conditions over the next 12 months; survey results likely to put more downward pressure on outlook for interest rates
2nd Jul 19, 10:23am
NZIER Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion shows a net 31% of businesses see deteriorating conditions over the next 12 months; survey results likely to put more downward pressure on outlook for interest rates
ANZ Business Outlook Survey shows considerable improvement in mood in residential construction sector, though the overall construction outlook remains grim
27th Jun 19, 1:45pm
ANZ Business Outlook Survey shows considerable improvement in mood in residential construction sector, though the overall construction outlook remains grim
Minister for Trade and Export Growth David Parker says NZ China Council's Southern Link proposal is ripe for further development
25th Jun 19, 3:12pm
Minister for Trade and Export Growth David Parker says NZ China Council's Southern Link proposal is ripe for further development