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Fiscal policy

Jenée Tibshraeny has spent the year scrutinising the seismic government and central bank interventions made to keep the economy (and house prices) afloat. She shares her observations on the NZ Everyday Investor podcast
18th Dec 20, 1:51pm
Jenée Tibshraeny has spent the year scrutinising the seismic government and central bank interventions made to keep the economy (and house prices) afloat. She shares her observations on the NZ Everyday Investor podcast
Treasury's economic outlook improves markedly from a few months ago; Expects it'll issue $20 billion less debt over four years
16th Dec 20, 1:01pm
Treasury's economic outlook improves markedly from a few months ago; Expects it'll issue $20 billion less debt over four years
Treasury to Robertson: Spend more temporarily to boost the economy, make 'crucial' policy changes to improve living standards, consider tax hikes in the future
15th Dec 20, 11:53am
Treasury to Robertson: Spend more temporarily to boost the economy, make 'crucial' policy changes to improve living standards, consider tax hikes in the future
Yu Yongding argues that, desite the Chinese economy's apparent recovery, fiscal and monetary expansion are still urgently needed
4th Dec 20, 12:15pm
by Guest
Yu Yongding argues that, desite the Chinese economy's apparent recovery, fiscal and monetary expansion are still urgently needed
Jude Murdoch and Steven Hail argue modern monetary theory offers desperately needed clear thinking and fresh ideas for our society and our democracy
27th Nov 20, 10:04am
by Guest
Jude Murdoch and Steven Hail argue modern monetary theory offers desperately needed clear thinking and fresh ideas for our society and our democracy
John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics sees a Japanese style deflationary economic cycle with no growth for the United States
23rd Nov 20, 2:40pm
John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics sees a Japanese style deflationary economic cycle with no growth for the United States
Jenée Tibshraeny looks at why it's time for the Government to get its head out of the sand and address the distributional impacts of printing up to $128 billion
20th Nov 20, 9:11am
Jenée Tibshraeny looks at why it's time for the Government to get its head out of the sand and address the distributional impacts of printing up to $128 billion
Institute of International Finance says unprecedented increase in global debt means it's not clear how the global economy can deleverage without significant adverse implications for economic activity
19th Nov 20, 9:00am
Institute of International Finance says unprecedented increase in global debt means it's not clear how the global economy can deleverage without significant adverse implications for economic activity
Gareth Vaughan delves into the Reserve Bank's mandate, economic policy settings, the housing market and the type of society New Zealanders want
15th Nov 20, 6:02am
Gareth Vaughan delves into the Reserve Bank's mandate, economic policy settings, the housing market and the type of society New Zealanders want
National's new list: Bayly and Woodhouse shoot up the ranks to get top financial roles; Goldsmith and Brownlee demoted; Collins strikes balance between fresh faces and political experience
11th Nov 20, 12:53pm
National's new list: Bayly and Woodhouse shoot up the ranks to get top financial roles; Goldsmith and Brownlee demoted; Collins strikes balance between fresh faces and political experience
Government books only $3.2 billion in the red, as New Zealanders spend more and require less support via the wage subsidy than expected
10th Nov 20, 11:22am
Government books only $3.2 billion in the red, as New Zealanders spend more and require less support via the wage subsidy than expected
Just at the moment the bank is looking like an increasingly temporary place to park your money. David Hargreaves has a look at the latest deposit statistics
3rd Nov 20, 12:07pm
Just at the moment the bank is looking like an increasingly temporary place to park your money. David Hargreaves has a look at the latest deposit statistics
The Reserve Bank drives economic policy with officials, rather than elected Government, in the driver’s seat. But the Reserve Bank mandate provided by the Government is where it all starts
3rd Nov 20, 7:37am
The Reserve Bank drives economic policy with officials, rather than elected Government, in the driver’s seat. But the Reserve Bank mandate provided by the Government is where it all starts
CEO Antonia Watson says ANZ NZ doesn't currently need the RBNZ's proposed funding for lending programme, but she'd like to see more fiscal stimulus from the Government
30th Oct 20, 9:29am
CEO Antonia Watson says ANZ NZ doesn't currently need the RBNZ's proposed funding for lending programme, but she'd like to see more fiscal stimulus from the Government
Former RBNZ Chairman Arthur Grimes warns of 'real danger' of the RBNZ destablising asset prices, as its employment target sees it go too far lowering interest rates
29th Oct 20, 9:32am
Former RBNZ Chairman Arthur Grimes warns of 'real danger' of the RBNZ destablising asset prices, as its employment target sees it go too far lowering interest rates
Gareth Vaughan taps into the thoughts of MMT economist Steven Hail, ex-RBNZ assistant governor John McDermott, and ANZ's head of research Richard Yetsenga on monetary policy and other COVID era economic issues
25th Oct 20, 6:00am
Gareth Vaughan taps into the thoughts of MMT economist Steven Hail, ex-RBNZ assistant governor John McDermott, and ANZ's head of research Richard Yetsenga on monetary policy and other COVID era economic issues
The election result, house price inflation, monetary policy, LVRs, NZ's economic recovery - Jenée Tibshraeny shares her two cents with Sharesies users
22nd Oct 20, 6:21pm
The election result, house price inflation, monetary policy, LVRs, NZ's economic recovery - Jenée Tibshraeny shares her two cents with Sharesies users
Paul Goldsmith on why using borrowed money to invest in the Super Fund is a bad idea, even if halting contributions would reduce the size of the fund by $20 billion over 10 years
9th Oct 20, 3:01pm
Paul Goldsmith on why using borrowed money to invest in the Super Fund is a bad idea, even if halting contributions would reduce the size of the fund by $20 billion over 10 years
ANZ economists say housing credit growth is being supported by falling mortgage rates, but any future downturn in the housing market would be expected to suppress spending and deepen the economic downturn
9th Oct 20, 10:16am
ANZ economists say housing credit growth is being supported by falling mortgage rates, but any future downturn in the housing market would be expected to suppress spending and deepen the economic downturn
Mohamed El-Erian thinks markets should be more worried about the faltering policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis
8th Oct 20, 10:27am
by Guest
Mohamed El-Erian thinks markets should be more worried about the faltering policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis
ANZ Group chief economist Richard Yetsenga points out that in a world of more fiscal policy prominence, direct spending decisions do not work in the same ways as the blunt instrument of interest rates and the implications could be profound
6th Oct 20, 1:18pm
ANZ Group chief economist Richard Yetsenga points out that in a world of more fiscal policy prominence, direct spending decisions do not work in the same ways as the blunt instrument of interest rates and the implications could be profound
Gareth Vaughan strives to spark a 21st century conversation on government debt, urging our politicians to leave the ghost of Rob Muldoon behind and focus on the real challenges New Zealand faces today
6th Oct 20, 11:56am
Gareth Vaughan strives to spark a 21st century conversation on government debt, urging our politicians to leave the ghost of Rob Muldoon behind and focus on the real challenges New Zealand faces today
Grant Robertson on why now is the time for 'balance' not 'transformation', the importance of confidence in prompting business investment, minimum wage hikes and more
3rd Oct 20, 9:07am
Grant Robertson on why now is the time for 'balance' not 'transformation', the importance of confidence in prompting business investment, minimum wage hikes and more
David Hargreaves has another wrestle with the latest savings and borrowing statistics
1st Oct 20, 3:06pm
David Hargreaves has another wrestle with the latest savings and borrowing statistics
TOP responds to ACT calling the debt burden being placed on future generations 'fiscal child abuse', saying ACT's austerity would be 'economic vandalism'
30th Sep 20, 12:50pm
TOP responds to ACT calling the debt burden being placed on future generations 'fiscal child abuse', saying ACT's austerity would be 'economic vandalism'