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Credit bureau Centrix says nearly a fifth of Kiwi superannuitants still have a mortgage
24th Nov 20, 11:50am
Credit bureau Centrix says nearly a fifth of Kiwi superannuitants still have a mortgage
Edoardo Campanella dispels the myth that new technologies are making low-skilled labour increasingly irrelevant
19th Nov 20, 11:30am
by Guest
Edoardo Campanella dispels the myth that new technologies are making low-skilled labour increasingly irrelevant
Economists expect the RBNZ will consider what impact its $28 billion Funding for Lending Programme has on interest rates before taking a knife to the OCR
12th Nov 20, 7:30am
Economists expect the RBNZ will consider what impact its $28 billion Funding for Lending Programme has on interest rates before taking a knife to the OCR
David Chaston explains how our long run improvements in employment under various Governments, has provided the resilience to weather the current pandemic stresses better than many other important economies
11th Nov 20, 5:00am
David Chaston explains how our long run improvements in employment under various Governments, has provided the resilience to weather the current pandemic stresses better than many other important economies
New survey of 15,000 expat Kiwis suggests about half of them plan to return to New Zealand
9th Nov 20, 9:55am
by admin
New survey of 15,000 expat Kiwis suggests about half of them plan to return to New Zealand
Statistics New Zealand says the 37,000 rise in the number of unemployed to 151,000 is the largest quarterly rise on record; highest number out of work in eight years
4th Nov 20, 10:57am
Statistics New Zealand says the 37,000 rise in the number of unemployed to 151,000 is the largest quarterly rise on record; highest number out of work in eight years
Economists think the unemployment rate will show a discernible lift for the September quarter, but the figures are not likely to be as bad as was being forecast earlier in the year
2nd Nov 20, 10:16am
Economists think the unemployment rate will show a discernible lift for the September quarter, but the figures are not likely to be as bad as was being forecast earlier in the year
Former RBNZ Chairman Arthur Grimes warns of 'real danger' of the RBNZ destablising asset prices, as its employment target sees it go too far lowering interest rates
29th Oct 20, 9:32am
Former RBNZ Chairman Arthur Grimes warns of 'real danger' of the RBNZ destablising asset prices, as its employment target sees it go too far lowering interest rates
Gareth Vaughan takes a look at how and why central banks, including the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, use the stars to help meet, and try to meet, their monetary policy remits
21st Oct 20, 5:00am
Gareth Vaughan takes a look at how and why central banks, including the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, use the stars to help meet, and try to meet, their monetary policy remits
Economics forecaster Infometrics says renewed house price rises are a side-effect of the Reserve Bank's efforts to stimulate the economy
15th Oct 20, 6:00pm
Economics forecaster Infometrics says renewed house price rises are a side-effect of the Reserve Bank's efforts to stimulate the economy
Keeping 'em honest: A look at the glaring inconsistencies on politicking around the wage subsidy, JobStart and house price growth
13th Oct 20, 9:59am
Keeping 'em honest: A look at the glaring inconsistencies on politicking around the wage subsidy, JobStart and house price growth
Retail chain The Warehouse won't be paying a dividend this year and says it faces continued uncertainty around its trading outlook
8th Oct 20, 2:54pm
Retail chain The Warehouse won't be paying a dividend this year and says it faces continued uncertainty around its trading outlook
David Hargreaves says with the NZ borders closed, now is when we should be having a national discussion on migration and population - so why aren't we?
5th Oct 20, 12:24pm
David Hargreaves says with the NZ borders closed, now is when we should be having a national discussion on migration and population - so why aren't we?
Alison Brook finds that there are now more underemployed people in our workforce than those jobless, and that underemployment will continue to climb and may never return to pre-pandemic levels. The implications are large and negative
3rd Oct 20, 9:52am
Alison Brook finds that there are now more underemployed people in our workforce than those jobless, and that underemployment will continue to climb and may never return to pre-pandemic levels. The implications are large and negative
Economist Brian Easton says much of the commentariat’s reporting of the most recent GDP figure was misleading and unhelpful
23rd Sep 20, 9:09am
Economist Brian Easton says much of the commentariat’s reporting of the most recent GDP figure was misleading and unhelpful
Statistics New Zealand says the 12.2% shrinkage of the economy in the June quarter is 'by far the largest on record in New Zealand'; the fall is in line with what major bank economists forecast
17th Sep 20, 10:58am
Statistics New Zealand says the 12.2% shrinkage of the economy in the June quarter is 'by far the largest on record in New Zealand'; the fall is in line with what major bank economists forecast
The country is set to see its largest ever contraction in the economy reported this week - but the final figure's actually expected to be much smaller than first feared and the focus is already on how much the economy will grow by in the September quarter
14th Sep 20, 1:37pm
The country is set to see its largest ever contraction in the economy reported this week - but the final figure's actually expected to be much smaller than first feared and the focus is already on how much the economy will grow by in the September quarter
The Government has announced new border exceptions that will allow temporary work visa holders to return to NZ; new exceptions will now also be made to allow partners of NZ citizens and residents to return here
9th Sep 20, 4:27pm
The Government has announced new border exceptions that will allow temporary work visa holders to return to NZ; new exceptions will now also be made to allow partners of NZ citizens and residents to return here
Brian Fallow takes a look at the idea of a central government funded universal jobs guarantee, saying the idea should receive serious consideration
21st Aug 20, 11:17am
Brian Fallow takes a look at the idea of a central government funded universal jobs guarantee, saying the idea should receive serious consideration
The country's largest airport is taking a gloomier view than international observers of how long it will take global travel to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic
20th Aug 20, 9:58am
The country's largest airport is taking a gloomier view than international observers of how long it will take global travel to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic
PSA National Secretary Erin Polaczuk calls for a commitment to universal basic services for all New Zealanders via the Aotearoa Wellbeing Commitment
15th Aug 20, 9:59am
by Guest
PSA National Secretary Erin Polaczuk calls for a commitment to universal basic services for all New Zealanders via the Aotearoa Wellbeing Commitment
ASB economists have crunched the numbers on what the current alert level settings may mean for the economy - and what impact a broader lockdown would have
13th Aug 20, 9:32am
ASB economists have crunched the numbers on what the current alert level settings may mean for the economy - and what impact a broader lockdown would have
Labour launches campaign with $311m commitment to expand subsidy paid to businesses that employ people at risk of long-term unemployment
8th Aug 20, 1:53pm
Labour launches campaign with $311m commitment to expand subsidy paid to businesses that employ people at risk of long-term unemployment
Influential RBNZ survey sees house price falls over the next 12 months of a little over 1%; expectations of inflation have recovered from the record lows seen the in last survey
6th Aug 20, 3:51pm
Influential RBNZ survey sees house price falls over the next 12 months of a little over 1%; expectations of inflation have recovered from the record lows seen the in last survey
David Hargreaves says the next Government needs to give a much bigger priority to ensuring we have the best statistical information possible
6th Aug 20, 11:40am
David Hargreaves says the next Government needs to give a much bigger priority to ensuring we have the best statistical information possible