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monetary policy

The RBNZ will buy up to $30 bln of Government bonds as the negative impacts of the emergency intensify in New Zealand and financial conditions tighten 'unnecessarily'
23rd Mar 20, 8:23am
The RBNZ will buy up to $30 bln of Government bonds as the negative impacts of the emergency intensify in New Zealand and financial conditions tighten 'unnecessarily'
First phase of Govt's Covid-19 support package worth 4% of GDP; Includes wage subsidies, benefit increases and depreciation deductions for commercial and industrial buildings
17th Mar 20, 2:00pm
First phase of Govt's Covid-19 support package worth 4% of GDP; Includes wage subsidies, benefit increases and depreciation deductions for commercial and industrial buildings
Reserve Bank Governor says banks must not 'just stop lending to everyone' and need to have the courage to 'get out and lend'
17th Mar 20, 11:48am
Reserve Bank Governor says banks must not 'just stop lending to everyone' and need to have the courage to 'get out and lend'
Our economists are talking recession with a capital R: 'It won't be a shallow one'
16th Mar 20, 4:54pm
Our economists are talking recession with a capital R: 'It won't be a shallow one'
Reserve Bank says it wants the country's banks to be focused on looking after their customers
16th Mar 20, 1:20pm
Reserve Bank says it wants the country's banks to be focused on looking after their customers
Raf Manji says NZ shouldn't get sucked into overseas style QE or asset purchasing, and instead should directly support the real economy by funding infrastructure projects & increasing income support
16th Mar 20, 12:01pm
Raf Manji says NZ shouldn't get sucked into overseas style QE or asset purchasing, and instead should directly support the real economy by funding infrastructure projects & increasing income support
The RBNZ cuts the OCR by 75 bps in an emergency announcement, next step is a Large Scale Asset Purchase program if more support needed
16th Mar 20, 8:04am
The RBNZ cuts the OCR by 75 bps in an emergency announcement, next step is a Large Scale Asset Purchase program if more support needed
The Beehive is better placed than the RBNZ to help those affected by coronavirus, says Assistant RBNZ Governor, whose main focus is ensuring banks remain strong
11th Mar 20, 7:48pm
The Beehive is better placed than the RBNZ to help those affected by coronavirus, says Assistant RBNZ Governor, whose main focus is ensuring banks remain strong
RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr puts onus on the Government to be at the frontline in the fight against coronavirus, saying monetary policy will play a "support role"
10th Mar 20, 6:04pm
RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr puts onus on the Government to be at the frontline in the fight against coronavirus, saying monetary policy will play a "support role"
RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr reiterates next OCR review is scheduled for March 25 in speech on central bank's potential use of unconventional monetary policy tools
10th Mar 20, 2:56pm
RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr reiterates next OCR review is scheduled for March 25 in speech on central bank's potential use of unconventional monetary policy tools
Government develops wage subsidy scheme, extends travel ban, unveils new powers to quarantine ships and planes, and rules out cancelling minimum wage hikes
9th Mar 20, 6:22pm
Government develops wage subsidy scheme, extends travel ban, unveils new powers to quarantine ships and planes, and rules out cancelling minimum wage hikes
BNZ economists expect the economy to contract in the first two quarters of the year; ANZ economists call for a minimum wage freeze and for the Government to increase its debt limit by $60 billion
9th Mar 20, 3:09pm
BNZ economists expect the economy to contract in the first two quarters of the year; ANZ economists call for a minimum wage freeze and for the Government to increase its debt limit by $60 billion
RBNZ 'prepared to ensure well-functioning financial system including access to credit, cash & liquidity in the banking system.' BNZ's Toplis says Fed cut 'unjustified', RBNZ could be 'voice of reason in panic-driven world'
4th Mar 20, 11:55am
RBNZ 'prepared to ensure well-functioning financial system including access to credit, cash & liquidity in the banking system.' BNZ's Toplis says Fed cut 'unjustified', RBNZ could be 'voice of reason in panic-driven world'
Finance Minister Grant Robertson expects coronavirus to hit NZ harder than previously thought, but still prefers 'sector-specific, region-specific' government interventions to tax cuts and helicopter money
3rd Mar 20, 10:01pm
Finance Minister Grant Robertson expects coronavirus to hit NZ harder than previously thought, but still prefers 'sector-specific, region-specific' government interventions to tax cuts and helicopter money
Reserve Bank of Australia cuts cash rate to just 0.50% to 'support the economy as it responds to the global coronavirus outbreak'
3rd Mar 20, 4:43pm
Reserve Bank of Australia cuts cash rate to just 0.50% to 'support the economy as it responds to the global coronavirus outbreak'
John Mauldin argues monetary policy tools are not designed for a coronavirus type situation but government fiscal stimulus may help us 'muddle through' the crisis
3rd Mar 20, 10:21am
John Mauldin argues monetary policy tools are not designed for a coronavirus type situation but government fiscal stimulus may help us 'muddle through' the crisis
ANZ economists see the RBNZ swooping in to stimulate the economy by cutting interest rates this month and then again in May, as the risk of a recession looms; Other bank economists call for calm and more targeted govt spending
2nd Mar 20, 10:32am
ANZ economists see the RBNZ swooping in to stimulate the economy by cutting interest rates this month and then again in May, as the risk of a recession looms; Other bank economists call for calm and more targeted govt spending
Sharon Zollner, chief economist at NZ's biggest bank, says as the economic impact of coronavirus rises so to do the odds of RBNZ OCR cuts
28th Feb 20, 1:05pm
Sharon Zollner, chief economist at NZ's biggest bank, says as the economic impact of coronavirus rises so to do the odds of RBNZ OCR cuts
Westpac economists, who nearly a year ago forecast surging house prices for this year, now say house price inflation will hit 10%
18th Feb 20, 11:48am
Westpac economists, who nearly a year ago forecast surging house prices for this year, now say house price inflation will hit 10%
BNZ economists caution that the hit to the NZ economy from our worsening Big Dry could be as bad as the impact from coronavirus and they say a recession is a 'very real risk'
17th Feb 20, 1:11pm
BNZ economists caution that the hit to the NZ economy from our worsening Big Dry could be as bad as the impact from coronavirus and they say a recession is a 'very real risk'
Jenée Tibshraeny's reading of the RBNZ's Monetary Policy Statement: 'Yeah there's coronavirus, but that whopper August interest rate cut is still working its magic so there's no need to panic - yet'
12th Feb 20, 7:54pm
Jenée Tibshraeny's reading of the RBNZ's Monetary Policy Statement: 'Yeah there's coronavirus, but that whopper August interest rate cut is still working its magic so there's no need to panic - yet'
Reserve Bank is indicating that it has now done with any further interest rate cuts unless the impacts of coronavirus prove more long lasting than it currently anticipates; dollar and swap rates up
12th Feb 20, 2:09pm
Reserve Bank is indicating that it has now done with any further interest rate cuts unless the impacts of coronavirus prove more long lasting than it currently anticipates; dollar and swap rates up
Major bank economists are currently expecting a short, sharp, shock to economic growth in the first half of this year due to coronavirus - but they warn that the outlook is uncertain and unpredictable
10th Feb 20, 2:37pm
Major bank economists are currently expecting a short, sharp, shock to economic growth in the first half of this year due to coronavirus - but they warn that the outlook is uncertain and unpredictable
Reserve Bank universally expected to keep the Official Cash Rate unchanged at next week's review but will point to the uncertainties around coronavirus and how that might affect the New Zealand economy
6th Feb 20, 9:08am
Reserve Bank universally expected to keep the Official Cash Rate unchanged at next week's review but will point to the uncertainties around coronavirus and how that might affect the New Zealand economy
Statistics New Zealand says unemployment has fallen to 4.0% from 4.1%, while wages have risen by 2.6%, which is the most since 2009; RBNZ seen as putting interest rates on hold
5th Feb 20, 11:06am
Statistics New Zealand says unemployment has fallen to 4.0% from 4.1%, while wages have risen by 2.6%, which is the most since 2009; RBNZ seen as putting interest rates on hold