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Property development

Mayoral candidate John Tamihere goes to Serious Fraud Office over the $3 million sale of Auckland's historic Civic Administration Building
7th Jun 19, 2:08pm
Mayoral candidate John Tamihere goes to Serious Fraud Office over the $3 million sale of Auckland's historic Civic Administration Building
Auckland Councillor Mike Lee says sale of Civic Administration Building by council controlled organisation should be reviewed by the Auditor General
4th Jun 19, 9:43am
Auckland Councillor Mike Lee says sale of Civic Administration Building by council controlled organisation should be reviewed by the Auditor General
Plans by the Auckland Council controlled Panuku to sell a historic Auckland building to a developer has led to calls for more transparency from councillors
29th May 19, 3:01pm
Plans by the Auckland Council controlled Panuku to sell a historic Auckland building to a developer has led to calls for more transparency from councillors
Plans to sell Auckland Council owned land for development at Westpark and Gulf Harbour marinas still on ice
13th Mar 19, 4:48pm
Plans to sell Auckland Council owned land for development at Westpark and Gulf Harbour marinas still on ice
Bankrupted slumlord's ex takes battle to save her company from liquidation to the Supreme Court and loses; Chow brothers caught up in the mess
1st Mar 19, 9:19am
Bankrupted slumlord's ex takes battle to save her company from liquidation to the Supreme Court and loses; Chow brothers caught up in the mess
Suspended lawyer and former BNZ staffer jailed for involvement in mortgage fraud scheme; property developer sentenced to home detention
3rd Aug 18, 3:34pm
Suspended lawyer and former BNZ staffer jailed for involvement in mortgage fraud scheme; property developer sentenced to home detention
Jury finds property developer and company director guilty of using fake documents to get a $41m ANZ loan to build inner-city Auckland apartments 
31st Jul 18, 1:28pm
Jury finds property developer and company director guilty of using fake documents to get a $41m ANZ loan to build inner-city Auckland apartments 
Augustine Lau sent to jail for two years having littered Auckland properties with portable classrooms, houses and make-shift sewage systems to cram more tenants on to them
11th Jul 18, 5:53pm
Augustine Lau sent to jail for two years having littered Auckland properties with portable classrooms, houses and make-shift sewage systems to cram more tenants on to them
Auckland Council says it has spent more than $1m on legal proceedings against property developer/manager Augustine Lau and has only been awarded $407k in costs and fines
28th Jun 18, 12:23pm
Auckland Council says it has spent more than $1m on legal proceedings against property developer/manager Augustine Lau and has only been awarded $407k in costs and fines
Offering guarantees to private developers probably carries less risk for the Government than developing affordable homes itself, Greg Ninness says
23rd Jun 18, 10:01am
Offering guarantees to private developers probably carries less risk for the Government than developing affordable homes itself, Greg Ninness says
Property developer, former BNZ employee, and suspended lawyer found guilty of partaking in $54m mortgage fraud scheme involving 110 Auckland and Hamilton properties
15th Jun 18, 12:54pm
Property developer, former BNZ employee, and suspended lawyer found guilty of partaking in $54m mortgage fraud scheme involving 110 Auckland and Hamilton properties
MBIE believes the value of residential property investment over the next 5 years will be 2-5 times higher than Treasury projects; Twyford says Treasury's math is 'simply wrong'
18th May 18, 3:58pm
MBIE believes the value of residential property investment over the next 5 years will be 2-5 times higher than Treasury projects; Twyford says Treasury's math is 'simply wrong'
Auckland Council's economists argue full development contributions are unlikely to result in higher house prices, will be absorbed by land owners who currently receive windfall gains from ratepayer-funded infrastructure
17th Apr 18, 11:13am
by Guest
Auckland Council's economists argue full development contributions are unlikely to result in higher house prices, will be absorbed by land owners who currently receive windfall gains from ratepayer-funded infrastructure
Former BNZ banker, lawyer and property developer, accused of involvement in $54m mortgage fraud scheme, argue they didn't know they were caught up in anything illegal
28th Feb 18, 2:55pm
Former BNZ banker, lawyer and property developer, accused of involvement in $54m mortgage fraud scheme, argue they didn't know they were caught up in anything illegal
Serious Fraud Office sets out case for how former BNZ and ANZ bankers were allegedly paid off to accept 57 fraudulent mortgage applications
27th Feb 18, 7:53am
Serious Fraud Office sets out case for how former BNZ and ANZ bankers were allegedly paid off to accept 57 fraudulent mortgage applications
Augustine Lau sentenced for damaging pōhutukawa and totara trees; Judge says that to describe his attitude as poor would be an understatement
26th Jan 18, 1:59pm
Augustine Lau sentenced for damaging pōhutukawa and totara trees; Judge says that to describe his attitude as poor would be an understatement
New data shows how banks have responded to regulatory signals for capital adequacy, chasing loans on property so hard, now more than 80% of all loans are property-backed
1st Nov 17, 10:08am
New data shows how banks have responded to regulatory signals for capital adequacy, chasing loans on property so hard, now more than 80% of all loans are property-backed
Auckland Council eyes using property development arm Panuku Development Auckland to help establish more affordable housing
10th Oct 17, 3:28pm
Auckland Council eyes using property development arm Panuku Development Auckland to help establish more affordable housing
Singaporean and Malaysian investors to be reimbursed $10m of deposits made on luxury apartments in incomplete Queenstown development
10th Oct 17, 5:02am
Singaporean and Malaysian investors to be reimbursed $10m of deposits made on luxury apartments in incomplete Queenstown development
Green Party slams National's plan to allow developers to bypass the RMA to speed up home and infrastructure building
5th Sep 17, 11:44am
by admin
Green Party slams National's plan to allow developers to bypass the RMA to speed up home and infrastructure building
Motu working paper argues high rise apartment developers could be forced to pay for blocking neighbouring homes' sunlight
6th Jul 17, 5:02am
Motu working paper argues high rise apartment developers could be forced to pay for blocking neighbouring homes' sunlight
Auckland has a well publicised housing shortage. Over the ditch there's an array of property development companies and concerns about oversupply. So why aren't more of them coming to Auckland?
23rd Mar 17, 5:02am
Auckland has a well publicised housing shortage. Over the ditch there's an array of property development companies and concerns about oversupply. So why aren't more of them coming to Auckland?
Labour's Phil Twyford is pushing out the boundaries of Labour’s stance on housing infrastructure, eyeing a govt unit to access finance for developers
12th Mar 17, 7:14am
Labour's Phil Twyford is pushing out the boundaries of Labour’s stance on housing infrastructure, eyeing a govt unit to access finance for developers
China Construction Bank keen to lend for infrastructure, including apartment, development, but aims to do half its lending in the home loan market
10th Mar 17, 7:40am
China Construction Bank keen to lend for infrastructure, including apartment, development, but aims to do half its lending in the home loan market
Credit rating agency warns of impact from banks' tightening commercial property lending standards as Auckland Unitary Plan opens increased building options
21st Feb 17, 12:09pm
Credit rating agency warns of impact from banks' tightening commercial property lending standards as Auckland Unitary Plan opens increased building options