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David Seymour

Jenée Tibshraeny on the distractions and fear of freaking people out that have led to a dearth of policy being put on the table two months out from the election
21st Jul 20, 2:48pm
Jenée Tibshraeny on the distractions and fear of freaking people out that have led to a dearth of policy being put on the table two months out from the election
National MP Hamish Walker demoted after admitting to giving media outlets Covid-19 patients' personal details, provided to him by Michelle Boag - a former National president who worked for the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust
7th Jul 20, 6:05pm
National MP Hamish Walker demoted after admitting to giving media outlets Covid-19 patients' personal details, provided to him by Michelle Boag - a former National president who worked for the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust
NZ to stay at Level 2 for at least another week, with Cabinet to review this on June 8; Winston Peters says if police allowed protests on Monday, we should be at Level 1 now 
2nd Jun 20, 9:14am
NZ to stay at Level 2 for at least another week, with Cabinet to review this on June 8; Winston Peters says if police allowed protests on Monday, we should be at Level 1 now 
The Government hasn't asked Treasury to model tax hikes, but has asked it to consider further ways of stimulating the economy, including helicopter money
20th May 20, 3:49pm
The Government hasn't asked Treasury to model tax hikes, but has asked it to consider further ways of stimulating the economy, including helicopter money
Jenée Tibshraeny on what was worse than Parliament mistakenly passing a law enabling taxpayers to lend billions to business
2nd May 20, 3:24pm
Jenée Tibshraeny on what was worse than Parliament mistakenly passing a law enabling taxpayers to lend billions to business
Labour's government support partners would back regulation of retail payments as part of moves to stimulate the economy after the crushing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
26th Apr 20, 7:31am
Labour's government support partners would back regulation of retail payments as part of moves to stimulate the economy after the crushing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Brian Fallow looks at where the Government is getting the money from for its dramatic increase in spending, concluding direct monetary financing is possible down the line
22nd Apr 20, 10:17am
Brian Fallow looks at where the Government is getting the money from for its dramatic increase in spending, concluding direct monetary financing is possible down the line
Tax relief for SMEs and support for commercial property tenants expected to be unveiled this week; Grant Robertson says Level 3 will be about 'safe economic activity'
14th Apr 20, 3:54pm
Tax relief for SMEs and support for commercial property tenants expected to be unveiled this week; Grant Robertson says Level 3 will be about 'safe economic activity'
Govt to announce commercial property sector support this week; Banks nearly ready to write taxpayer-backed business loans; Treasury says 'bespoke' support for big business could involve debt, equity or regulatory relief
1st Apr 20, 2:54pm
Govt to announce commercial property sector support this week; Banks nearly ready to write taxpayer-backed business loans; Treasury says 'bespoke' support for big business could involve debt, equity or regulatory relief
Parliament to be adjourned until April 28 after meeting on Wednesday; Opposition to scrutinize govt ministers and officials publicly via new committee chaired by Simon Bridges
24th Mar 20, 3:05pm
Parliament to be adjourned until April 28 after meeting on Wednesday; Opposition to scrutinize govt ministers and officials publicly via new committee chaired by Simon Bridges
Simon Bridges isn't planning to follow in John Key's footsteps by hiking GST and cutting the corporate tax rate, but remains open-minded as circumstances change
11th Mar 20, 1:24pm
Simon Bridges isn't planning to follow in John Key's footsteps by hiking GST and cutting the corporate tax rate, but remains open-minded as circumstances change
Officials tell Government there's a 'low' chance proposed rental property reforms will decrease the supply of rentals, while the effect it'll have on rents is 'uncertain'
23rd Feb 20, 6:02am
Officials tell Government there's a 'low' chance proposed rental property reforms will decrease the supply of rentals, while the effect it'll have on rents is 'uncertain'
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announces 2020 general election will be held on September 19; Says Labour's plan is to give NZers a contest that's 'positive, factual and robust'
28th Jan 20, 3:19pm
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announces 2020 general election will be held on September 19; Says Labour's plan is to give NZers a contest that's 'positive, factual and robust'
Chris Trotter takes a look at the impending election year social media battle with a stern warning for the former student politicians of the Labour Party
22nd Dec 19, 7:02am
Chris Trotter takes a look at the impending election year social media battle with a stern warning for the former student politicians of the Labour Party
Government plans to pass legislation under urgency to ban foreign political donations over $50 and require parties to include a certification on all their advertising to distinguish it from fake ads
3rd Dec 19, 12:01pm
Government plans to pass legislation under urgency to ban foreign political donations over $50 and require parties to include a certification on all their advertising to distinguish it from fake ads
Government rebukes China on reports of Chinese officials pressuring AUT to scrap a Tiananmen Square commemoration and condemning Hong Kong democracy protestors at Auckland University
6th Aug 19, 8:15pm
Government rebukes China on reports of Chinese officials pressuring AUT to scrap a Tiananmen Square commemoration and condemning Hong Kong democracy protestors at Auckland University
Kiwi businessman and NZ Initiative director Stephen Jennings says claims he benefited from Kremlin abuses of the market system and the rule of law are misconceived and vexatious
21st Jun 19, 5:22pm
Kiwi businessman and NZ Initiative director Stephen Jennings says claims he benefited from Kremlin abuses of the market system and the rule of law are misconceived and vexatious
Government commits to treating biological emissions differently to other greenhouse gas emissions as it introduces zero carbon legislation to Parliament; Fails to secure full support from National
8th May 19, 10:36am
Government commits to treating biological emissions differently to other greenhouse gas emissions as it introduces zero carbon legislation to Parliament; Fails to secure full support from National
Peter Dunne bemoans the current sorry state of politics, which has seen the demise of give-and-take and balanced argument that had previously been the hallmarks of liberal democracy
4th Apr 19, 8:39am
Peter Dunne bemoans the current sorry state of politics, which has seen the demise of give-and-take and balanced argument that had previously been the hallmarks of liberal democracy
The 2018 Interesties featuring Adrian Orr, Jacinda Ardern, Nouriel Roubini, Donald Trump, Winston Peters, Simon Bridges, Co-op Money, Bitcoin, @TranslateRealDT, Boatman, KiwiBuild & more
23rd Dec 18, 7:02am
The 2018 Interesties featuring Adrian Orr, Jacinda Ardern, Nouriel Roubini, Donald Trump, Winston Peters, Simon Bridges, Co-op Money, Bitcoin, @TranslateRealDT, Boatman, KiwiBuild & more
Banking Ombudsman Scheme working on sector-wide complaints data system as it mulls increasing the limit on customer claims to $350,000
21st Sep 18, 5:00am
Banking Ombudsman Scheme working on sector-wide complaints data system as it mulls increasing the limit on customer claims to $350,000
Government to pay Derek Handley $100,000 plus expenses after offering him the role of Chief Technology Officer and then changing its mind
14th Sep 18, 10:52am
Government to pay Derek Handley $100,000 plus expenses after offering him the role of Chief Technology Officer and then changing its mind
The Opposition says a new report painting a positive picture of government asset sell downs between 2011 & 2014 shows the current government should be more open to alternative funding avenues
22nd Aug 18, 2:40pm
by Jason Walls
The Opposition says a new report painting a positive picture of government asset sell downs between 2011 & 2014 shows the current government should be more open to alternative funding avenues
Housing Minister Phil Twyford says Ministry of Housing and Urban Development will help drive KiwiBuild and will be operational by the end of the year
8th Jun 18, 9:51am
by Jason Walls
Housing Minister Phil Twyford says Ministry of Housing and Urban Development will help drive KiwiBuild and will be operational by the end of the year
Act Leader David Seymour joins political reporter Jason Walls for a beer at the iconic Backbencher pub discussing his future, his past and, of course, Dancing with the Stars
24th May 18, 7:59am
by Jason Walls
Act Leader David Seymour joins political reporter Jason Walls for a beer at the iconic Backbencher pub discussing his future, his past and, of course, Dancing with the Stars