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Country sees second largest ever quarterly fall in GDP - but the result shows increasing resilience in the face of lockdown restraints
16th Dec 21, 11:00am
Country sees second largest ever quarterly fall in GDP - but the result shows increasing resilience in the face of lockdown restraints
This week's GDP figures expected to show a drop - but by nothing like the sort of drop economists earlier expected
13th Dec 21, 10:18am
This week's GDP figures expected to show a drop - but by nothing like the sort of drop economists earlier expected
Recent falls in export log prices offset by fast-retreating shipping costs, and face a better future as Chinese demand should rise in January. But India is oversupplied
25th Nov 21, 12:19pm
Recent falls in export log prices offset by fast-retreating shipping costs, and face a better future as Chinese demand should rise in January. But India is oversupplied
Log prices reduced in October as shipping costs take a bigger share of returns even though Chinese demand is good, and European sawn timber markets are strong. Domestic markets are somewhat oversupplied
29th Oct 21, 11:30am
Log prices reduced in October as shipping costs take a bigger share of returns even though Chinese demand is good, and European sawn timber markets are strong. Domestic markets are somewhat oversupplied
Guy Trafford suspects that Pāmu will achieve its climate obligations under its Westpac sustainability-linked loan by faster land-use conversions that emphasise tax-advantaged forestry, and horticulture
27th Oct 21, 9:22am
Guy Trafford suspects that Pāmu will achieve its climate obligations under its Westpac sustainability-linked loan by faster land-use conversions that emphasise tax-advantaged forestry, and horticulture
One region grapples with the implications of encroaching foreign-owned and 'short-term' carbon farming and doesn't like what it sees and the mess it will leave
16th Oct 21, 9:29am
One region grapples with the implications of encroaching foreign-owned and 'short-term' carbon farming and doesn't like what it sees and the mess it will leave
Log prices flat as shipping congestion charges ease slightly, and domestic lockdown demand softens sharply, allowing harvesting and sawn timber processing to catch up
20th Sep 21, 9:44am
Log prices flat as shipping congestion charges ease slightly, and domestic lockdown demand softens sharply, allowing harvesting and sawn timber processing to catch up
The 2.8% June quarter GDP rise beat market expectations of 1.2% and was up from a revised 1.4% in March
16th Sep 21, 11:01am
The 2.8% June quarter GDP rise beat market expectations of 1.2% and was up from a revised 1.4% in March
Guy Trafford sees new questions about changing land use to monocultures such as pine with no foreseeable plans for harvesting, and their GHG emissions, and with very limited contribution to ecological ecosystems
16th Sep 21, 10:44am
Guy Trafford sees new questions about changing land use to monocultures such as pine with no foreseeable plans for harvesting, and their GHG emissions, and with very limited contribution to ecological ecosystems
Another big lockdown has once again changed the economic picture enormously, but GDP figures for the past quarter will still tell us some important things
13th Sep 21, 10:35am
Another big lockdown has once again changed the economic picture enormously, but GDP figures for the past quarter will still tell us some important things
Guy Trafford assesses how Australia is handling the 'opportunities' they have with forestry and carbon credits, and finds minor progress driven by local issues
12th Sep 21, 9:54am
Guy Trafford assesses how Australia is handling the 'opportunities' they have with forestry and carbon credits, and finds minor progress driven by local issues
Although prices in China are rising with demand, log sellers effectively pay the shipping costs which have jumped, and this has sharply reduced local at-wharf prices
2nd Sep 21, 12:07pm
Although prices in China are rising with demand, log sellers effectively pay the shipping costs which have jumped, and this has sharply reduced local at-wharf prices
Keith Woodford reminds farmers the price of carbon is determined by Government. There lies the risk for carbon farming
23rd Aug 21, 10:41am
Keith Woodford reminds farmers the price of carbon is determined by Government. There lies the risk for carbon farming
Given current carbon prices, the march of the pine trees across the landscape has only just begun. The implications are massive
14th Aug 21, 9:20am
Given current carbon prices, the march of the pine trees across the landscape has only just begun. The implications are massive
Angus Kebbell talks to North Canterbury farmer Fiona Bush about how her farm is responding to climate, water, land-use, and political changes. Utilising and relying on off-farm expert advice is becoming a bigger part of farm management
11th Aug 21, 12:23pm
Angus Kebbell talks to North Canterbury farmer Fiona Bush about how her farm is responding to climate, water, land-use, and political changes. Utilising and relying on off-farm expert advice is becoming a bigger part of farm management
Hard-hill country farmers need to look seriously at carbon farming opportunities as carbon prices keep rising
28th Jul 21, 12:31pm
Hard-hill country farmers need to look seriously at carbon farming opportunities as carbon prices keep rising
July export log prices slipped as China's seasonal demand falloff took an added hit. But domestic demand stayed strong, and Indian demand is picking up
23rd Jul 21, 9:15am
July export log prices slipped as China's seasonal demand falloff took an added hit. But domestic demand stayed strong, and Indian demand is picking up
Sheep-farming retreat will continue despite excellent meat prices, with carbon farming the mega-force
20th Jul 21, 12:15pm
Sheep-farming retreat will continue despite excellent meat prices, with carbon farming the mega-force
ANZ economists now forecast the Reserve Bank will start increasing the Official Cash Rate in February next year following the stunning 1.6% GDP rise for the March quarter
17th Jun 21, 11:05am
ANZ economists now forecast the Reserve Bank will start increasing the Official Cash Rate in February next year following the stunning 1.6% GDP rise for the March quarter
The global shortage of logs and sawn timber have pushed prices to a record high. Regulatory limits are encouraging the surge when there is a worldwide shortage of wood products
16th Jun 21, 11:36am
The global shortage of logs and sawn timber have pushed prices to a record high. Regulatory limits are encouraging the surge when there is a worldwide shortage of wood products
Economists have been upwardly adjusting their economic forecasts in recent days in the face of stronger-than-expected data and the major bank economists now see first quarter GDP producing a positive figure - IE economic growth
14th Jun 21, 9:57am
Economists have been upwardly adjusting their economic forecasts in recent days in the face of stronger-than-expected data and the major bank economists now see first quarter GDP producing a positive figure - IE economic growth
Super-strong retail sales figures for the March quarter have got economists rethinking their thoughts that the country is experiencing a 'double dip' recession
25th May 21, 11:10am
Super-strong retail sales figures for the March quarter have got economists rethinking their thoughts that the country is experiencing a 'double dip' recession
Angus Kebbell talks to Nick Taylor about how one North Canterbury region turned its communities into active, thriving and diverse social centers
22nd May 21, 11:21am
Angus Kebbell talks to Nick Taylor about how one North Canterbury region turned its communities into active, thriving and diverse social centers
Log prices jump on strong domestic demand, and rising demand from China which now takes 88% of our log exports. Rivals for this China trade fall away as US demand rises. NZ prices at new record high
19th May 21, 9:46am
Log prices jump on strong domestic demand, and rising demand from China which now takes 88% of our log exports. Rivals for this China trade fall away as US demand rises. NZ prices at new record high
An increase in domestic and export saw log prices has lifted prices above their five year averages. Domestic demand is strong. Sawn timber prices in China have continued to increase faster than log prices
1st May 21, 8:58am
An increase in domestic and export saw log prices has lifted prices above their five year averages. Domestic demand is strong. Sawn timber prices in China have continued to increase faster than log prices