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NZTA only consulted 3 months ago on the Govt's new infrastructure spend; Planned roading projects among those it wants funded; National says Govt is 'scrambling'
12th Dec 19, 6:00pm
NZTA only consulted 3 months ago on the Govt's new infrastructure spend; Planned roading projects among those it wants funded; National says Govt is 'scrambling'
David Hargreaves assesses the country's missed infrastructure opportunity while conceding that the Coalition has set itself up well for the election campaign next year
12th Dec 19, 2:42pm
David Hargreaves assesses the country's missed infrastructure opportunity while conceding that the Coalition has set itself up well for the election campaign next year
S&P comfortable with Govt upping debt as economic growth eases; Economists see less need for OCR cuts; Construction sector wants detail on infrastructure spend so it can gear up; National unhappy with deficit forecast for 2020
11th Dec 19, 5:09pm
S&P comfortable with Govt upping debt as economic growth eases; Economists see less need for OCR cuts; Construction sector wants detail on infrastructure spend so it can gear up; National unhappy with deficit forecast for 2020
Grant Robertson announces extra $6.8 billion to be allocated towards transport infrastructure; New capital spending won't get out the door until 2021; Treasury forecasts lower tax revenue and weaker economic growth
11th Dec 19, 1:00pm
Grant Robertson announces extra $6.8 billion to be allocated towards transport infrastructure; New capital spending won't get out the door until 2021; Treasury forecasts lower tax revenue and weaker economic growth
Jacinda Ardern says Cabinet has agreed it's unsustainable for the Ports of Auckland to be the country's 'key import port'; Report due Thursday expected to recommend a shift to Northland
9th Dec 19, 6:42pm
Jacinda Ardern says Cabinet has agreed it's unsustainable for the Ports of Auckland to be the country's 'key import port'; Report due Thursday expected to recommend a shift to Northland
ANZ economists say a 'realistic guess' is that the Government will lift its net debt to about 23% of GDP, from the current 20%, by the year 2022
5th Dec 19, 2:43pm
ANZ economists say a 'realistic guess' is that the Government will lift its net debt to about 23% of GDP, from the current 20%, by the year 2022
Government gives itself more spending wriggle room sooner than expected, having met goal of reducing net debt to 20% of GDP
3rd Dec 19, 7:01pm
Government gives itself more spending wriggle room sooner than expected, having met goal of reducing net debt to 20% of GDP
Government plans to bring forward infrastructure spend unlikely to see funding allocated to major roading projects unless new project commitments are made
3rd Dec 19, 6:30am
Government plans to bring forward infrastructure spend unlikely to see funding allocated to major roading projects unless new project commitments are made
David Hargreaves tries to make sense of the Government's signalled plans to have a spend-up on infrastructure
2nd Dec 19, 10:23am
David Hargreaves tries to make sense of the Government's signalled plans to have a spend-up on infrastructure
Crown company borrows money for infrastructure from Crown entity at rate of 5.37% for the sake of keeping debt off government books, when the Government could've issued bonds at 3%
30th Nov 19, 10:28am
Crown company borrows money for infrastructure from Crown entity at rate of 5.37% for the sake of keeping debt off government books, when the Government could've issued bonds at 3%
'You don't have to keep shouting... I imagine it's been heard' - RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr on his calls for the Government to spend more to stimulate the economy
14th Nov 19, 7:36am
'You don't have to keep shouting... I imagine it's been heard' - RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr on his calls for the Government to spend more to stimulate the economy
'You don't have to keep shouting... I imagine it's been heard' - RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr on his calls for the Government to spend more to stimulate the economy
14th Nov 19, 7:36am
'You don't have to keep shouting... I imagine it's been heard' - RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr on his calls for the Government to spend more to stimulate the economy
Phil Twyford hopes new legislation will make it easier for the cost of infrastructure in new suburbs to be covered by homeowners; an arrangement Crown Infrastructure Partners says is proving difficult to pull off beyond an Auckland development
9th Nov 19, 10:22am
Phil Twyford hopes new legislation will make it easier for the cost of infrastructure in new suburbs to be covered by homeowners; an arrangement Crown Infrastructure Partners says is proving difficult to pull off beyond an Auckland development
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff will have his work cut out as his second term kicks off with plenty on the agenda
1st Nov 19, 10:14am
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff will have his work cut out as his second term kicks off with plenty on the agenda
The Commerce Commission announces its latest draft determination on the $50 million annual telco levy
24th Oct 19, 10:34am
The Commerce Commission announces its latest draft determination on the $50 million annual telco levy
Demand for infrastructure on both sides of the Tasman could drive up the real cost of Auckland's light rail project
23rd Oct 19, 3:49pm
Demand for infrastructure on both sides of the Tasman could drive up the real cost of Auckland's light rail project
The NZ Super Fund aligned NZ Infra hits back at critics and says it's on track to deliver its bid for an Auckland light rail network to the Government before Christmas
23rd Oct 19, 5:00am
The NZ Super Fund aligned NZ Infra hits back at critics and says it's on track to deliver its bid for an Auckland light rail network to the Government before Christmas
First it was KiwiBuild, now it's Auckland's light rail that's looking increasingly shambolic; What's going on and how thin is that ice Transport Minister Phil Twyford is skating on?
22nd Oct 19, 4:49pm
First it was KiwiBuild, now it's Auckland's light rail that's looking increasingly shambolic; What's going on and how thin is that ice Transport Minister Phil Twyford is skating on?
A wrap of the not so politically sexy work underway to increase the supply of houses... eventually
12th Oct 19, 11:26am
A wrap of the not so politically sexy work underway to increase the supply of houses... eventually
The NZTA's business case for a new Auckland harbour crossing now one step closer
9th Oct 19, 4:30pm
The NZTA's business case for a new Auckland harbour crossing now one step closer
Crown financial statements detail whopping $5.3 billion increase in the value of the national rail freight network to $6.3 billion with valuation done on a public benefit basis rather than a commercial basis
8th Oct 19, 2:08pm
Crown financial statements detail whopping $5.3 billion increase in the value of the national rail freight network to $6.3 billion with valuation done on a public benefit basis rather than a commercial basis
Northland Chamber of Commerce chief executive Stephen Smith says shifting the Ports of Auckland to Northport could cost $20 billion and take 10 to 15 years
7th Oct 19, 4:41pm
Northland Chamber of Commerce chief executive Stephen Smith says shifting the Ports of Auckland to Northport could cost $20 billion and take 10 to 15 years
Closing the Ports of Auckland and moving its operations to Whangarei would cost $10.3 billion according to EY report  
4th Oct 19, 1:49pm
Closing the Ports of Auckland and moving its operations to Whangarei would cost $10.3 billion according to EY report  
Kiwibank economist Jeremy Couchman on the super slow super city, the economic temperature dropping in the south, strength in small regions, Wellywood looking good & risks to the regions
4th Oct 19, 9:59am
Kiwibank economist Jeremy Couchman on the super slow super city, the economic temperature dropping in the south, strength in small regions, Wellywood looking good & risks to the regions
Auckland Council comfortable with debt levels but says debt will continue increasing over the next few years due to the city’s ongoing growth and capital expenditure requirements
27th Sep 19, 3:45pm
Auckland Council comfortable with debt levels but says debt will continue increasing over the next few years due to the city’s ongoing growth and capital expenditure requirements