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Despite the lure of high prices, dairy farmers may be accepting lower production levels, by being less tempted to use off-farm feed supplements like PKE. High prices make that choice easier
3rd Feb 22, 9:23am
Despite the lure of high prices, dairy farmers may be accepting lower production levels, by being less tempted to use off-farm feed supplements like PKE. High prices make that choice easier
Fonterra ups its milk payout price forecast to a record high, even topping analyst estimates. This new level adds another $600 mln to farmer incomes taking the annual transfer to $13.8 bln. Their dividend will probably remain unchanged
25th Jan 22, 9:18am
Fonterra ups its milk payout price forecast to a record high, even topping analyst estimates. This new level adds another $600 mln to farmer incomes taking the annual transfer to $13.8 bln. Their dividend will probably remain unchanged
John Shewan says it is 'disappointing' the shareholders fund's argument that it should be bought back by Fonterra has not been accepted and he says buying the fund back would be a logical and timely solution
13th Dec 21, 2:10pm
John Shewan says it is 'disappointing' the shareholders fund's argument that it should be bought back by Fonterra has not been accepted and he says buying the fund back would be a logical and timely solution
Westpac economists are now forecasting a 'windfall' for farmers and pick the Kiwi dollar will get down as low as US66c next year
8th Dec 21, 2:06pm
Westpac economists are now forecasting a 'windfall' for farmers and pick the Kiwi dollar will get down as low as US66c next year
Strong dairy prices sees dairy giant Fonterra raise its forecast 2021/22 milk price payout by 30 cents, but trim its earnings forecast
3rd Dec 21, 9:38am
Strong dairy prices sees dairy giant Fonterra raise its forecast 2021/22 milk price payout by 30 cents, but trim its earnings forecast
With a record high dairy payout in sight, Guy Trafford checks what it will take to lock it in. He also shows what artisan cheese makers are up against, both from EU subsidies and local bureaucracy
16th Nov 21, 2:32pm
With a record high dairy payout in sight, Guy Trafford checks what it will take to lock it in. He also shows what artisan cheese makers are up against, both from EU subsidies and local bureaucracy
Fonterra has made some late tweaks to its capital restructuring proposals; needs to 'keep working' with Govt on what changes may mean to Dairy Industry Restructuring Act
9th Nov 21, 3:21pm
Fonterra has made some late tweaks to its capital restructuring proposals; needs to 'keep working' with Govt on what changes may mean to Dairy Industry Restructuring Act
The higher farm gate milk prices go, the more challenging it is for Fonterra to operate profitably. Profitability is an issue for other dairy companies too at these milk prices. Early season indicators are milk volumes will be strong
4th Nov 21, 11:10am
The higher farm gate milk prices go, the more challenging it is for Fonterra to operate profitably. Profitability is an issue for other dairy companies too at these milk prices. Early season indicators are milk volumes will be strong
Keith Woodford points out that no-one has found an alternative to dairy for New Zealand’s export-led economy
2nd Nov 21, 9:32am
Keith Woodford points out that no-one has found an alternative to dairy for New Zealand’s export-led economy
Fonterra has narrowed its milk price forecast range, giving an implied 'midpoint' price that equals the record payout in 2014
26th Oct 21, 9:02am
Fonterra has narrowed its milk price forecast range, giving an implied 'midpoint' price that equals the record payout in 2014
Guy Trafford assesses the value of the NZ-UK FTA and finds the details released so far reassuring. Access to our most distant market is getting an upgrade
22nd Oct 21, 12:05pm
Guy Trafford assesses the value of the NZ-UK FTA and finds the details released so far reassuring. Access to our most distant market is getting an upgrade
The recovery in the world's foodservice industry helping Fonterra's strategies look good. Prices for livestock move up. Both needed as inflation shifts up a gear
20th Oct 21, 9:47am
The recovery in the world's foodservice industry helping Fonterra's strategies look good. Prices for livestock move up. Both needed as inflation shifts up a gear
The Westpac economists now see a milk price of $8.50 this season, based on expected lower production
6th Oct 21, 11:58am
The Westpac economists now see a milk price of $8.50 this season, based on expected lower production
Farmers turn less optimistic despite good market and product signals, mainly because of adverse government policy and a view the economy will deteriorate from here. Rising costs aren't helping, but the new visa release does
1st Oct 21, 10:58am
Farmers turn less optimistic despite good market and product signals, mainly because of adverse government policy and a view the economy will deteriorate from here. Rising costs aren't helping, but the new visa release does
Dairy company Synlait sees return to 'similar levels' of profits as prior to this year by 2023
27th Sep 21, 9:01am
Dairy company Synlait sees return to 'similar levels' of profits as prior to this year by 2023
Fonterra pulls up the wagons to defend its territory, but also hoping to sortie out with new nutritional endeavours
23rd Sep 21, 3:57pm
Fonterra pulls up the wagons to defend its territory, but also hoping to sortie out with new nutritional endeavours
Fonterra's latest capital restructuring plan includes retaining the NZX-listed Fonterra Shareholders' Fund - but the size of it will be capped
23rd Sep 21, 8:52am
Fonterra's latest capital restructuring plan includes retaining the NZX-listed Fonterra Shareholders' Fund - but the size of it will be capped
Despite all the external political pressures, buyers want our dairy products and are bidding up prices, reports Guy Trafford. Sadly, Synlait isn't benefiting
9th Sep 21, 4:11pm
Despite all the external political pressures, buyers want our dairy products and are bidding up prices, reports Guy Trafford. Sadly, Synlait isn't benefiting
Dairy company Synlait has reached a sale-and-leaseback agreement on its Mangere property that it paid $12.4 mln for in 2017
9th Sep 21, 10:10am
Dairy company Synlait has reached a sale-and-leaseback agreement on its Mangere property that it paid $12.4 mln for in 2017
Encouraged by a strong global dairy auction this week, BNZ economists have raised their milk price pick by 50c to $8.30
9th Sep 21, 9:49am
Encouraged by a strong global dairy auction this week, BNZ economists have raised their milk price pick by 50c to $8.30
Dairy company Synlait is signalling the cutting of perhaps 200 staff, through which it aims to save $10 mln-$12 mln a year
8th Sep 21, 9:22am
Dairy company Synlait is signalling the cutting of perhaps 200 staff, through which it aims to save $10 mln-$12 mln a year
Guy Trafford explains how Fonterra and some other large exporters were saved from the worst of the freight stress by the Kotahi Logistics operation. He also shows that China's pig virus crisis is far from over
4th Sep 21, 9:10am
Guy Trafford explains how Fonterra and some other large exporters were saved from the worst of the freight stress by the Kotahi Logistics operation. He also shows that China's pig virus crisis is far from over
Westpac economists trim their forecast for the milk price payout this season and say the outlook in global markets remains uncertain
5th Aug 21, 9:13am
Westpac economists trim their forecast for the milk price payout this season and say the outlook in global markets remains uncertain
Fonterra turns its attention to its strategic limitations, some self-imposed, as it searches for a sustainable business with shareholders who seem determined to extract the most short-term gains they can
22nd Jul 21, 9:41am
Fonterra turns its attention to its strategic limitations, some self-imposed, as it searches for a sustainable business with shareholders who seem determined to extract the most short-term gains they can
The chairman of the management company for the Fonterra Shareholders' Fund units 'expects a clear position' to be stated on the future of the fund
21st Jul 21, 4:36pm
The chairman of the management company for the Fonterra Shareholders' Fund units 'expects a clear position' to be stated on the future of the fund