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Kiwibank economists believe the RBNZ will 'give with one hand' though lower mortgage rates and take a little back with the other - through tighter lending standards
12th Oct 20, 1:59pm
Kiwibank economists believe the RBNZ will 'give with one hand' though lower mortgage rates and take a little back with the other - through tighter lending standards
RBNZ not looking to rein in property investors with LVR restrictions, saying falling house prices would create a 'worse situation' than the status quo
9th Oct 20, 9:43am
RBNZ not looking to rein in property investors with LVR restrictions, saying falling house prices would create a 'worse situation' than the status quo
Terry Baucher outlines a potential menu to rein in soaring house prices featuring the application of the thin capitalisation regime to investment property, and reintroduced and stricter LVR restrictions for all buyers except first home buyers
7th Oct 20, 10:29am
Terry Baucher outlines a potential menu to rein in soaring house prices featuring the application of the thin capitalisation regime to investment property, and reintroduced and stricter LVR restrictions for all buyers except first home buyers
Reserve Bank statistics show household deposits have grown at their fastest rate in four years while, the amount owed on houses just had its biggest monthly rise in 13 years
30th Sep 20, 3:42pm
Reserve Bank statistics show household deposits have grown at their fastest rate in four years while, the amount owed on houses just had its biggest monthly rise in 13 years
David Hargreaves tries to make sense of recent developments in our never-dull housing market
15th Sep 20, 11:42am
David Hargreaves tries to make sense of recent developments in our never-dull housing market
David Hargreaves says the country should never again be allowed to fall as far behind with its housing supply as it did in the wake of the global financial crisis
7th Sep 20, 3:11pm
David Hargreaves says the country should never again be allowed to fall as far behind with its housing supply as it did in the wake of the global financial crisis
What are we supposed to invest in now that interest rates have disappeared?
1st Sep 20, 2:11pm
What are we supposed to invest in now that interest rates have disappeared?
Reserve Bank statistics show New Zealanders increased the amount in their bank accounts by another $1.2 billion last month and the annual rate of saving is now at its highest level in nearly three years; business lending, however, has dried up
31st Aug 20, 3:33pm
Reserve Bank statistics show New Zealanders increased the amount in their bank accounts by another $1.2 billion last month and the annual rate of saving is now at its highest level in nearly three years; business lending, however, has dried up
David Hargreaves says the Reserve Bank should seriously reconsider reintroducing LVR limits - at least for investors
27th Aug 20, 10:10am
David Hargreaves says the Reserve Bank should seriously reconsider reintroducing LVR limits - at least for investors
David Hargreaves tries to make sense of swirling and contradictory facts and figures around the current mortgage market
20th Aug 20, 9:04am
David Hargreaves tries to make sense of swirling and contradictory facts and figures around the current mortgage market
Latest Reserve Bank figures on household debt to income ratios show that still more house buyers are borrowing more than five times their annual income
13th Aug 20, 3:43pm
Latest Reserve Bank figures on household debt to income ratios show that still more house buyers are borrowing more than five times their annual income
Macquarie research report weighs up the challenges for banks of exiting loan repayment deferrals
11th Aug 20, 9:47am
Macquarie research report weighs up the challenges for banks of exiting loan repayment deferrals
Reserve Bank statistics show New Zealanders increased the amount in their bank accounts by $10.6 billion in the four months to the end of June; separately an RBNZ survey shows Kiwis are becoming less worried about losing their jobs
3rd Aug 20, 4:09pm
Reserve Bank statistics show New Zealanders increased the amount in their bank accounts by $10.6 billion in the four months to the end of June; separately an RBNZ survey shows Kiwis are becoming less worried about losing their jobs
David Hargreaves is pleased the Government has decided to hold aside most of its designated pandemic money till after the election
21st Jul 20, 2:05pm
David Hargreaves is pleased the Government has decided to hold aside most of its designated pandemic money till after the election
David Hargreaves says the willingness or otherwise of Kiwis to keep spending in coming months will be a key factor in how well our economy recovers
5th Jul 20, 6:02am
David Hargreaves says the willingness or otherwise of Kiwis to keep spending in coming months will be a key factor in how well our economy recovers
New Reserve Bank figures show that despite plunging interest rates Kiwis put the most money away in term deposits last month for a year
30th Jun 20, 3:28pm
New Reserve Bank figures show that despite plunging interest rates Kiwis put the most money away in term deposits last month for a year
With a likely move to the near-normality of level 1 soon, crunch time is approaching for the economy, the jobs market and the housing market
4th Jun 20, 11:57am
With a likely move to the near-normality of level 1 soon, crunch time is approaching for the economy, the jobs market and the housing market
The number of borrowers going interest only increases, as 24% of housing and 41% of business loans were interest only at the end of April
29th May 20, 5:57pm
The number of borrowers going interest only increases, as 24% of housing and 41% of business loans were interest only at the end of April
Figures produced by the RBNZ suggest that house price falls in excess of 20% would start to produce large numbers of people in negative equity
27th May 20, 11:34am
Figures produced by the RBNZ suggest that house price falls in excess of 20% would start to produce large numbers of people in negative equity
The removal of LVR restrictions on new mortgage lending probably won't be much help to first home buyers in high priced areas like Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Wellington and Nelson
25th May 20, 12:31pm
The removal of LVR restrictions on new mortgage lending probably won't be much help to first home buyers in high priced areas like Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Wellington and Nelson
David Hargreaves has a deeper dive through the Reserve Bank's latest figures on mortgage lending by debt-to-income ratio and finds that buyers across the spectrum have been stretching themselves further
19th May 20, 1:58pm
David Hargreaves has a deeper dive through the Reserve Bank's latest figures on mortgage lending by debt-to-income ratio and finds that buyers across the spectrum have been stretching themselves further
New Reserve Bank figures show that household debt to income ratios continued to blow out right up till the lockdown - and first home buyers were in the frontline
18th May 20, 3:50pm
New Reserve Bank figures show that household debt to income ratios continued to blow out right up till the lockdown - and first home buyers were in the frontline
The Reserve Bank says its restrictions on high loan to value lending will be removed for at least 12 months as it signposted a week ago
30th Apr 20, 4:55pm
The Reserve Bank says its restrictions on high loan to value lending will be removed for at least 12 months as it signposted a week ago
The Reserve Bank says 21% of all housing loans are now interest only, while the wage subsidy saw household deposits boosted by over $4.5 billion
30th Apr 20, 3:38pm
The Reserve Bank says 21% of all housing loans are now interest only, while the wage subsidy saw household deposits boosted by over $4.5 billion
The Reserve Bank Governor has encouraged banks to be 'out there doing their business'. We check the pulse of the big five banks and see how they are responding
24th Apr 20, 8:00am
The Reserve Bank Governor has encouraged banks to be 'out there doing their business'. We check the pulse of the big five banks and see how they are responding